10 Spanish Viewpoints That Will Take Your Breath Away

We are going to contemplate some of the most beautiful landscapes in Spain from above. We went up to the most beautiful viewpoints you can imagine.
10 Spanish viewpoints that will take your breath away

The world from above is seen in a different way, but if what is in front is also a spectacular landscape, the experience, of course, will be unforgettable. This is what we want to propose to you, that’s why we went up to 10 really spectacular Spanish viewpoints.

1. Spanish viewpoints: Abrante viewpoint, La Gomera

Spanish viewpoints: Abrante in La Gomera
Abrante viewpoint – Jukka / Flickr.com

A glass box suspended 400 meters high. Here you will understand the expression from a bird’s eye view, because you will almost feel that you are floating in the air. If you are able to overcome vertigo, you will not only enjoy fabulous views of La Gomera, on clear days it is also possible to contemplate the silhouette of Teide on the neighboring island of Tenerife.

2. Mirador del Río, Lanzarote

River viewpoint in Lanzarote
Mirador del Río -leoks

We are not moving from the Canary Islands, but we are going to Lanzarote. This viewpoint is the work of César Manrique, who knew how to perfectly blend the building with the environment in which it is located. And at 450 meters high, the views are spectacular. At the foot and on one side, the cliffs and Famara beach; opposite the beautiful island of La Graciosa.

3. Mirador del Cable, Cantabria

Mirador del Cable in Cantabria
Mirador del Cable -Ikerlaes

Admiring the Picos de Europa is fabulous from almost any point of view, but this one has an incentive: to get there you have to take the Fuente Dé cable car. A journey that prepares for what is going to be contemplated from above: an almost overwhelming view. Surely you dare to take a walk around.

4. Mirador del Fraile, Salamanca

Mirador del Fraile in Salamanca
Mirador del Fraile – AnaisGoepner / commons.wikimedia.org

Wherever the Duero is the border between Spain and Portugal, we find this viewpoint that offers us incredible views. If we look down we will see the imposing Aldeadávila dam. If we direct our eyes to the front, we will see the course of the river, sandwiched between spectacular stone walls.

5. Balcones de Madrid, Ourense

Sil river canyon
Sil River Canyon – Migel

In its final section, the Sil River runs through an imposing canyon. Between curves, vineyards on the slopes that die in the river waters and ancient monasteries, we find viewpoints that offer us wonderful images. There are several, each more impressive, because some are more than 500 meters high.

6. Mirador de San Roque, Asturias

San Roque viewpoint in Lastres
San Roque viewpoint – diegorayaces

One of the most beautiful images of the Asturian coast can be seen from this viewpoint. At the foot, the beautiful and television fishing village of Lastres. In the background you can see the Picos de Europa. A landscape that blends sea and mountains to perfection and from which it will be difficult for you to take your eyes off.

7. Mirador Colomer, Mallorca

Colomer viewpoint in Mallorca
Mirador Colomer – Hans C. Schrodter / Shutterstock.com

Cape Formentor shapes one of the most beautiful pictures on the island of Mallorca. A beauty that can be seen from various viewpoints. From here, the image of the cliffs and the small islet of Colomer will enchant you. But if you wait for the day to fall you will fall in love with this place, the sunsets are unforgettable.

8. Salto del Gitano viewpoint, Cáceres

Salto del Gitano viewpoint in Cáceres
Salto del Gitano viewpoint – Jose Ignacio Soto

In the Monfragüe National Park we find one of the most fascinating Spanish viewpoints. It is because on the rock that rises above the waters of the Tagus River and its surroundings nest birds whose majestic flight will leave you speechless. Here you will enjoy the flight of black vultures, imperial and royal eagles or griffon vultures.

9. Viewpoints of Ordesa, Huesca

Ordesa viewpoint in Huesca
Ordesa viewpoint – Dina Reis

Feeling the force of the Huesca Pyrenees at your feet is a unique experience. And it is possible to do it from several points. If you can make a route to enjoy everyone, perfect. If you don’t feel strong, do it from at least one of them. You can choose between admiring the Soaso circus, the Añisclo canyon or the Torzal del Mallo, among other points.

10. Viewpoint of the Nervión waterfall, Álava

Salto del Nervión viewpoint
Salto del Nervión viewpoint – Mimadeo

With its more than 200 meters high, the Salto del Nervión is the highest waterfall in the Iberian Peninsula. And from this viewpoint you can contemplate it in all its splendor, better if you do it in the rainy season or during the thaw. And as a garnish, the flight of griffon vultures. Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful Spanish viewpoints that you can visit.


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