3 European Cities To Celebrate Christmas

3 European cities to celebrate Christmas

Each city has its own charm during Christmas, but European capitals take this season very seriously. In different parts of Europe you can see the streets decorated in such a way that they transmit the energy of these dates to the inhabitants. The lighting and fireworks invite you to celebrate the holidays in style.

We are going to show you the best European cities to celebrate Christmas.  We visit three capitals where the holidays will be special, full of magical moments to live with family or with a group of friends. Enjoy unique typical foods, wonderful light shows and diverse traditions to enjoy an unforgettable Christmas.

1. Berlin, Christmas markets and exquisite gastronomy

Christmas in berlin
Christmas in Berlin – andersphoto

To enjoy the Christmas days, Berlin offers its famous markets at this time, which are scattered throughout the city.  The German capital is filled with brightly colored lights and fireworks. In addition, the cold of winter brings its visitors the tradition of mulled wine with cinnamon, to warm the body and soul on these dates.

In general, in the winter markets that unfold in Berlin you can find decorations and gifts of all kinds, also the most exquisite German gastronomy. In December times, the food par excellence is honey bread, roasted geese and toasted almonds. One of the most popular Christmas markets in Berlin is the one set up on the “Gendarmenmarkt”, the largest and most popular square in the city.

But during Christmas there are many more things to do in Berlin. Thousands of tourists arrive on those dates attracted by music festivals and other cultural activities. Travelers can also enjoy ice skating rinks, impressive dinners in the various hotels, wonderful fireworks and a lively nightlife in all of Berlin’s most famous pubs and clubs.

2. London, concerts and the best light shows on the planet

St. Paul's Cathedral in London at Christmas
St. Paul’s Cathedral, London – Bikeworldtravel

If you prefer to enjoy a cosmopolitan atmosphere and the best independent music, London is the best European city for these dates. Last Christmas this city received approximately 500,000 people, not in vain  the British capital is the place where some of the biggest Christmas celebrations and parties are organized.

Year after year in London there is a great fireworks display over the Thames, attended by millions of people . In fact, for this next year you will have to pay to attend this event and thus guarantee security and organization.

London becomes a completely musical city when it comes to Christmas. Both in the streets of London and in more formal venues, concerts of all kinds of music are held, from the most classical to the most modern. In the city you can also enjoy attending markets and ice skating.

3. Paris, have a romantic Christmas

Christmas in paris
Christmas in Paris – joyfull

For those who want to enjoy a romantic Christmas with the illuminated Eiffel Tower and fireworks in the background, the best option is Paris. Tourists have the chance to experience a Christmas dinner aboard a boat, touring the Seine. In addition, you can also visit the Puente de las Artes with its multiple locks that symbolize the love that will never die.

As Paris is the city of lights, it lives up to its name for the holidays and especially at Christmas. On New Year’s Eve there is a festivity in the center, called Fiesta de San Silvestre, which shows an impressive light show. In addition, concerts and various celebrations are held in honor of Christmas.

And what better than enjoying typical Parisian gastronomy, a delight to the palate. Strolling under the stars and lights of the Champs Elysees enjoying an exquisite bottle of champagne and tasting the typical Parisian chocolates, called “papillotes”, is a great idea to spend this Christmas. What do you think?

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