We Visit The Most Impressive Cenotes In Mexico

Bathing in them is an unforgettable experience. There are many cenotes around the world, but in Mexico you will find some of the most spectacular.
We visit the most impressive cenotes in Mexico

Cenotes are wonderful gifts of nature. Although they can be seen in different parts of the world, the highest concentration is in Mexico. Therefore, many travelers decide to take a tour of the most famous. Would you like to sign up for this initiative? Well, we are talking about the most impressive cenotes in Mexico.

What is a cenote

Cenote in Mexico
jhovani_serralta / Pixabay.com

You may not know what cenotes are, so before embarking on the adventure of knowing the most impressive cenotes in Mexico , we want to tell you what they are. They are wells of water supplied by underground rivers and  that have been created by the erosion of the limestone that surrounds them.

This is the main factor that has to exist for a cenote to exist, limestone. Depending on the age of the cenotes, they will have one shape or another. For example, if the cenote is very closed and its access is more difficult, we are talking about a young one.

Then there are the semi-open ones, which could be said to have a mature age, and the open ones, which are the oldest. Limestone erosion does not stop, so the more time passes, the more open the cenote will be.

In addition, an interesting characteristic of cenotes is that they have stalactites, which are formed thanks to the water that drips from ‘their roof’. It is curious to think about it, because some of these measure more than 40 centimeters, and we know that for them to form 2.5 centimeters they have to pass between 4,000 and 5,000 years. Amazing!

The most impressive cenotes in Mexico

Once you know this, surely you want to know some of the most impressive cenotes in Mexico. Most of them are concentrated in the Yucatan region and the Riviera Maya. We have chosen the ones that we consider most incredible. Here you have them:

1. Cenote azul

Cenote Azul in Mexico
Cenote Azul – lastdjedai

Located in the Riviera Maya, it is ideal for seeing exotic fish and exciting for climbing. Although it has a simple access, which has been created to be able to enjoy the interior of this beautiful natural corner, there are many who decide to enter it in the old way, making the adventure even better.

Its name comes from the almost magical blue color of its waters, caused by the mixture of soil, water and bacteria that live in it. Don’t worry, none are harmful to health. Nearby there are other cenotes that, although they are not so impressive, are worth visiting, such as the Yax Kin cenote.

2. Great Cenote

Great Cenote in Mexico
Gran Cenote – Rebeca Anchondo / Flickr.com

Also in the Riviera Maya is located the most famous cenote in Mexico, and possibly the world. It has a crescent shape, a wide fauna under its waters and a large number of caves through which you can navigate and feel like an intrepid explorer.

There are areas where you will swim as if you were in an open space, while in others you will be covered by stalactites. You decide which one you like best.

3. Two eyes

Cenote Dos Ojos in Mexico
Cenote Dos Ojos – John_Walker

This is not only one of the most impressive cenotes in Mexico, but it is also the most extensive underground river system in the world, as it is 83,000 meters long. The fauna under its waters is colorful, exotic and special, not to mention the color of its waters, a beautiful blue that seems to give off magic.

Needless to say, in an area as large as this you can find all kinds of settings such as semi-open caves, caves and much more. Just grab your wetsuit, your snorkeling gear and explore the most inhospitable corners of this beautiful underground place.

4. Ik Kil

Cenote Ik-kil in Mexico
Cenote Ik-Kil – Subbotina Anna

This cenote boasts of having the most impressive entrance of all the known cenotes. Many use it by pulling themselves up to him, even before they know how to get out afterwards. Easy, there is a way out. Flowers and lianas will accompany you on this journey to be even more beautiful if possible.

It is an incredible place where it is worth playing the explorer and delving into its most hidden wonders. And very close you can visit another of the great treasures of Mexico: Chichén Itzá.

These are some of the most impressive cenotes in Mexico, although remember that there are many more. You can explore the area and you may discover another that will impress you. Don’t forget to tell which one it is!

The cenotes, mystical and impressive

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