10 Reasons To Travel To Tbilisi, The Capital Of Georgia

Tbilisi is a city that leaves no one indifferent. It is a city full of life and color that can be enjoyed in a thousand different ways. We explain only a few.
10 reasons to travel to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia

Some of the former Soviet republics are still great unknown for grand tourism, despite the fact that they hide wonderful corners. We want you to discover one of them: Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. Its color, its particular architecture and its history will not leave you indifferent. Do you need more reasons to join us?

1. The unique architecture of the capital of Georgia

Tbilisi houses
Typical architecture of Tbilisi

Tbilisi is one of those cities that almost seems like a movie set. The color of its facades, the wooden balconies and the tiered houses are its hallmark. But you should not miss such outstanding buildings as the Orthodox cathedral, which tells us about the most modern Tbilisi, or the Anchiskhati basilica, the oldest church in the city.

2. Corners full of charm

Clock Tower of the capital of Georgia
clock tower

Tbilisi is a small city, perfect for walking. And walking you will discover corners as unique as its Clock Tower. A tower that seems to be in a more than precarious balance. And no, it is not due to its age, it is so. It was built in 2011 with materials from buildings damaged by an earthquake.

By the way, under it there is a puppet theater. And, if you visit it on the dot, you will see how dancing puppets come out of the part above the clock.

3. Neighborhoods to forget about everything

Baths of Tbilisi, capital of Georgia
Baths in Tbilisi

After an intense day of sightseeing, there is nothing like relaxing with a good bath. Tbilisi is known for its sulphurous baths, which you will find in the Abanotubani neighborhood. There you will see the mud roofs of the buildings, crowned by curious chimneys through which the steam comes out. Inside you will forget about fatigue and immerse yourself fully in local traditions.

4. Tbilisi from above

Tbilisi in Georgia

If you want to admire the capital of Georgia from another point of view, nothing like doing it from above. The middle is a modern funicular that will take you to the top of Mount Mtatsminda. You will be just over 700 meters high, but the image that will open before you will leave you speechless. If you are traveling with children, there is a small amusement park there.

5. The history of the capital of Georgia

We are still in elevated areas, but this time to tell you not only about the views. This is an ancient city and witness to a good part of that history is the Narikala fortress, founded in the 4th century. It has survived to this day quite damaged, but due to its historical relevance and the magnificent panoramic view it offers of the city, it is worth visiting. By the way, you can go up by cable car.

6. The most modern Tbilisi

Bridge of Peace in the capital of Georgia
Peace Bridge

We move from the oldest to the most recent history, because Tbilisi is also a city that is struggling to modernize. A good example is the Puente de la Paz. It is a 150-meter-long pedestrian structure with an avant-garde design that is worth seeing during the day, but especially at night.

With an ultra-modern design and a step away from the bridge, you will find an auditorium that will surprise you with its shape : two imposing tubes that look out over the river and are joined at one end.

7. A destination for foodies

If you like to try new delicacies, in Tbilisi you will enjoy it like few other places. In the city you will find countless establishments where you can taste traditional dishes for very little. Be sure to try khachapuri , a kind of yeast bread stuffed with cheese, or khinkalis , stuffed with minced meat.

And to accompany these dishes, nothing like a good Georgian wine. In the country many wineries continue to produce their wines in the most traditional way, carrying out the fermentation process in clay pots.

8. Leisure, a great reason to visit Tbilisi

Leisure area in Tbilisi
Leisure area in Tbilisi

It may surprise you, but Forbes magazine has come to consider Tbilisi the funniest city in the world. Yes it’s correct. The reasons? Its atmosphere full of vitality, its countless entertainment venues and the variety of cultural manifestations that can be enjoyed in the city.

9. The surroundings of the capital of Georgia

Tbilisi is a magical city full of surprises, but if you have time, spend some day discovering other treasures that are very close. This is the case of Mtskheta, the ancient capital of Georgia, where the Jvari monastery stands out. Other possibilities are Uplistsikhe, known as Georgian Cappadocia, or Gori, Stalin’s birthplace.

10. A different trip… and inexpensive

We have already given you many reasons to visit Tbilisi, but there is one more that may just convince you. Tbilisi is an amazing city, you have already seen it, but it is still on the fringes of the great tourist circuits.

Therefore, it is not only a different and relaxed trip, but it is cheaper than other destinations that are not more beautiful, but are much more in demand. Have we convinced you to visit Tbilisi?

Georgia, a fascinating country between two continents

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