10 Impressive And Wonderful Parks In The World

10 shocking and wonderful parks in the world

Between urban and national, it is very difficult to make a short list of the most impressive parks in the world. Despite this, we are going to show you some of those that are worth visiting. Places full of magic where nature is the protagonist. Can you come with us?

Wonderful urban parks

We travel from here to there to bring you this selection of amazing and beautiful parks from all over the world. These are oases of peace in the middle of big cities.

1. Hyde Park (England)

Hyde Park in London, one of the most beautiful parks
Hyde Park, London – PlusONE

It is the largest green lung in London and covers an area of ​​140 hectares. With its gardens, its lake and its endless paths, it is used by both Londoners and visitors for fun and relaxation.

An ideal place, also, to do outdoor activities. Don’t miss out on curious corners such as Speaker’s Corner, a corner where people can express themselves freely.

2. Vondelpark (Holland)

Vondelpark one of the parks in Amsterdam
Vondelpark, Amsterdam – Faustino Gaitan

It is another of the parks that we cannot miss. It is located in Amsterdam and has an area of ​​470,000 m². Its inhabitants par excellence are pigeons and squirrels (and other small animals). In the summer season you can enjoy many open-air concerts, cross wooden bridges and rest in the shade of its ancient trees.

3. Tiegarten (Germany)

In Berlin there are many things to do. One of them is to visit this beautiful urban forest that has not only its own ecosystem, but also many monuments and sculptures, including the Bismarck National Monument and the Victory Column.

In the Tiergarten we can enjoy massive events. For example, for years it was the scene of the famous Love Parade.

4. Ueno Park (Japan)

Ueno Park, one of the most beautiful parks in Tokyo
Ueno Park, Tokyo – bluehand

It is another of the most beautiful urban parks in the world and is located in the city of Tokyo. It is a public garden in the Taito-Ku neighborhood, a gift from the Japanese Emperor Taisho to the metropolis.

It is famous for its museums, its huge pond, and its art galleries. But it is known especially for its 1000 cherry trees, therefore, the best time to visit it is in spring, when these trees bloom.

5. Kamala Nehru (India)

In the city of Bombai this park is not very big, but it is really beautiful. It is situated on a hill called Mlabar and was built in honor of the wife of the Indian prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, after the country gained independence from England.

Spectacular national parks

From urban parks to large national parks. These are wonderful places that will blow your mind.

6. Yellowstone National Park (United States)

Landscape of Yellowstone, one of the national parks
Yellowstone – MISHELLA

It was created in 1872 and is the oldest in the world. It has about 9000 km² of extension and many of us know it because the adventures of the famous Yogi bear took place here. And it is that the true grizzlies inhabit Yellowstone.

In addition to being the habitat of many species of wild animals such as lynxes, gray wolves, bison and mountain goats, in this site we can enjoy the most impressive geysers and hot springs.  Don’t miss the Great Prismatic Fountain.

7. Banff National Park (Canada)

Banf one of the national parks of Canada
BanFf National Park – Zhukova Valentyna

This park is home to a lake so beautiful that it seems to have been made by man … however it is 100% the work of nature. It is about Moraine Lake, with its intense turquoise color that will leave you mesmerized. It is within this beautiful reserve in the middle of the Rocky Mountains.

It is the oldest national park in the country and is home to glaciers, coniferous forests, ice fields and thermal caves.

8. Iguazú National Park (Argentina)

There are no words that can describe the beauty of this jungle place in the northeast of the South American country (on the triple border with Brazil and Paraguay). Here are the famous Iguazu Falls (one of the natural wonders of the world), formed by 275 jumps up to 70 meters high in the shape of a semicircle.

9. Plitvice Lakes National Park (Croatia)

Plitvice Lakes in Croatia, one of the most beautiful parks
Plitvice Lakes, Croatia – mpaniti

Without a doubt, it is one of the most beautiful national parks in the world, with its 30,000 hectares full of beech, fir and pine trees. It has in its interior no less than 16 turquoise lakes that are connected to each other by waterfalls  and can be crossed by crossing beautiful wooden bridges. Perfect to be in full contact with nature.

10. Timanfaya National Park (Spain)

If you would like to get to know Mars, you don’t need to travel to space … just going to Lanzarote is enough. In this national park there are dozens of volcanoes that have created a landscape as fascinating as it is breathtaking, a true land of fire in the Canaries. A landscape of ocher and gray tones, lava and craters, which is fascinating.

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