5 Hidden Beaches In Spain That You Have To Know

5 hidden beaches in Spain that you have to know

Spain is a country recognized worldwide for its good environment, its unbeatable climate and, specifically, for its excellent beaches, which have become highly sought after by tourists of all nationalities. However, the best known or busiest are not always the most beautiful, there are hidden beaches that are a real delight.

Sometimes what you are looking for are quiet places, without crowds, where you can relax. We are going to show you some of those hidden beaches that not everyone knows about.

Hidden beaches that you should know

1. Gulpiyuri beach, a remote landscape in Asturias

Between the towns of Llanes and Ribadesella is this spectacular cove that will delight those bathers who wish to take a break from the usual congestion of most coastal towns. It is considered a true jewel of nature and, in fact, holds the rank of monument.

Gulpiyuri beach in Asturias
Gulpiyuri Beach, Asturias – Migel

The sea water reaches this small semicircular space through a narrow tunnel that connects it with the coast. Here the water is shallow, despite this, this small beach is perfect for relaxing. It is totally isolated from the madding crowd and perfectly preserved thanks to which it has been part of the Protected Landscape of the Eastern Coast of Asturias since 2001.

2. Playa del Silencio in Asturias, a gift from nature

In Cudillero there is another of the natural wonders that Asturias offers us, the Silencio beach, also known as Gavieiru beach. Although most of the shore surface is stony, it consists of a sandy area approximately half a kilometer long. This will allow us to bathe or dive comfortably in this charming and secluded cove.

Silence beach in Asturias
Silence Beach, Asturias – Noradoa

Unfortunately due to its extreme beauty it has become very popular in recent times. However, despite the fact that its enormous fame causes it to be filled with onlookers during the high season, as it is a practically virgin and paradisiacal space, we will be alone or at least practically alone at any other time of the year.

Of course, it is necessary not to skimp on precautions while we are there since, being surrounded by peaked edges, we must be especially careful in those moments when the tide is high, since we can get locked in.

3. Playa Charco Azul, the charm of the Canarian waters

Charcho Azul beach is one of the most esteemed by the inhabitants of El Hierro. It consists of a set of small natural pools carved into the volcanic rocks. They offer us the opportunity to relax swimming in its turquoise waters while we contemplate how the sea breaks against the protective walls of this controlled and safe space.

Charco Azul beach in El Hierro
Charco Azul Beach, El Hierro – Karol Kozlowski

These ponds have been created by nature thanks to the exceptional geological conditions of the island. Therefore, the only thing that is required of the occasional tourist is that they be respectful, helping to keep both the lakes and their adjoining areas in perfect hygiene conditions.

The magnificent temperatures of the Canary Islands make it possible to access and enjoy the beach throughout the year. The most beautiful thing about the place is the tiny cave that is hidden in one of its coves and that provides incredible views and photographs.

4. Barrika beach, an unknown paradise in the Basque Country

The beauty of Barrika beach is that it is protected from the open sea by immense cliffs over 100 meters high.

Its shore is composed of sand and stones. Fortunately, it consists of a 302-step staircase that facilitates communication between the summit and the coast. It is a quiet and wild space, but it is equipped with showers, lifeguards and even a restaurant area.

Barrika beach in Vizcaya
Barrika Beach, Vizcaya – Alberto Loyo

To get there, we just have to go to the homonymous town, located 25 kilometers from Bilbao. It is usually full of professional surfers and fans of sports that require strong waves. Climbers also regularly attend. It should be borne in mind that half of the riverbank is semi-public while the other is completely.

5. Cala Bramant, a natural jacuzzi in Catalonia

Bramant is one of the most beautiful hidden beaches. Called the bathtub cove,  the landscape that surrounds this small aquifer area gives the sensation of keeping the water trapped between the huge surrounding rocks in order to facilitate the enjoyment of bathers.

Cala Bramant in Girona
Cala Bramant, Girona – Joan Grifols / Flcikr.com

This striking and curious terrain formation is located just one kilometer away from the town of Llança, in Girona, so it can be easily reached on foot from there. Its surroundings are protected by a large pine forest that gives even more the feeling of being lost in the wild.

Daily groups of young people from the region come to it to practice jumps from the steep cliffs, generating a beautiful spectacle that is hard to forget.

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