Ceuta And Melilla: Two Distant Cities, But Not Forgotten

They are two autonomous cities far from the Iberian Peninsula, already in the lands of Africa. But it is worth discovering them, because Ceuta and Melilla contain very interesting places.
Ceuta and Melilla: two remote cities, but not forgotten

Often when speaking of Spain, few are those who think of Ceuta and Melilla.  And it is that these two autonomous cities are in African territory. They are remote cities, but not forgotten, how to do it if they are immersed in a mixture of cultures and have incredible monuments and places to visit? Do you want to know which ones? Well, let’s take the boat!

Ceuta and Melilla are similar and at the same time different, but both are full of charm and picturesque corners that you will never forget. These are some of the most characteristic things to see in them.

Ceuta and Melilla: the treasures of Melilla

Despite being so close to Morocco, the footprint of the Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals and Byzantines is present in Melilla. A city full of vestiges of so many cultures has to be, at least, interesting and cultural. Do not miss these corners:

Melilla la Vieja

Melilla fortress
Melilla fortress

The best place to see this impressive mix of cultures is undoubtedly the old part of the city, which was declared a Historic-Artistic Site. Its very location already forms an incredible sight to behold.

It stands on a hill like a fortress with the Mediterranean at its feet. Inside it you can pass and enjoy its parks, its fountains, other monuments and its narrow and cobbled streets.

Conventico Caves

These caves are in the city walls and it is speculated that the Phoenicians created them taking advantage of an existing natural grotto. For a time they were used as dwellings when the Arabs had besieged Melilla.

The route of modernism

Modernist house in El Real neighborhood
Modernist house in El Real neighborhood – Miguel González Novo / Wikimedia Commons

One of Gaudí’s most gifted disciples, Enric Nieto i Nieto, moved to Melilla at the beginning of the 20th century.  He filled the city with his modernist works, in the same way that his teacher did with Barcelona.

Walking the streets of Melilla you will see many of them. Do not miss his works in the Reina Victoria expansion, the Plaza de España, the Spanish Army street or the Menéndez Pelayo square.

Fisherman’s Square

Do not forget that Melilla is a maritime city that has lived from fishing for many years, and even today many continue to do so. To honor those who work hard at sea, there is this square attached to the walls.

In it you can see a boat with the name of the boats that worked on the Mare Nostrum and that left Melilla.

What to see in Ceuta

While Melilla is a cultural city where they exist, Ceuta seems to continue fighting to ensure its identity. Some areas are reminiscent of ancient civilizations, others of Spain, and in many others there is an Arab atmosphere. All of this creates a unique series of contrasts.

Royal walls and navigable moat

Ceuta fortress and moat
Ceuta wall and moat

If you ask anyone who knows the city, they will surely tell you that this is the most beautiful part of Ceuta. The walls were erected at different times, so the mix of architecture and styles can be seen in each brick.

The navigable moat is in the middle of the city walls, splitting it in two. If you want, there are organized excursions that will give you a boat trip through it. A new way of seeing another perspective of the place.

Cathedral of the Assumption

Despite its proximity to Morocco, Ceuta is a religious and Catholic city, which is why its cathedral is one of the emblems. It was built on the remains of a mosque and was destroyed on several occasions, although in the 18th century the restorations were completed and it already presented the appearance it has today in the Baroque and Neoclassical style.

The House of Dragons

House of the Dragons of Ceuta
House of the Dragons of Ceuta – Miguel Ossorio / Flickr.com

This house, which was designed by José María Cortina Pérez, dates back to the early 20th century and was used to be the African casino. On its balconies and façade, the protagonists are fabulous dragons. Original and different.

Parsley Island

This islet has sparked disputes between Moroccans and Spaniards , even recently. It is barely two hundred meters from the coast and in it there is a huge cave.

As you can see, although far apart, Ceuta and Melilla are not forgotten, on the contrary, they are two cities that are worth visiting.

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