13 Reasons To Organize A Trip To Venice

13 reasons to organize a trip to Venice

Organizing a trip to Venice is one of those things that everyone should do at least once in their life. Its canals, its gondolas, its labyrinthine streets … make the city a unique and special destination. It is also one of the most romantic and intriguing cities in the world.

Here are some of its best kept secrets so that, if you still have any doubts about taking a trip to Venice or not, it will be completely dispelled.

1. Its gardens

Garden in Venice
Garden in Venice – Christian Vinces

All Venice is full of wonderful gardens typical of a Roman villa, and often where you least expect it. In addition, there are numerous sculptures of gods or emperors that adorn them. The gardens are another symbol of Venice, although not as recognized as the canals, and they are always full of flowers, so the picture could not be more beautiful.

2. Its narrow streets

The streets of Venice – or rather, its alleys – are one of the most striking things in the city. Strolling through the narrow streets, adorned with balconies and flowers, and then reaching squares and markets will make you transport yourself back to centuries past.

3. Your channels

Rialto Bridge in Venice
Rialto bridge – canadastock

Venice is a city made up of 118 islands, connected by bridges and with some sectors of the city without the possibility of passage for cars. For this reason, the greatest symbol of the city are the canals, which cross the city and connect it. Within Veencia, transportation is done by boats and ferries .

4. Its gondolas

A mandatory activity in Venice is to travel in one of its gondolas. And there is practically no other way to move around the city, all connected by water channels and not by common sidewalks.

5. Its secrets

Venice hides little secrets in all its streets that make it even more special for those capable of paying attention to all the details. Look, for example, at the doorbells, at the windows, or at all the bridges. You will discover winged lions, colors and special stones.

6. Its sunsets

Sunset in venice
Venice – Olena Z

The most romantic sunsets in the world could, without a doubt, be found here. A very good idea is to watch the dusk and then get lost in the streets looking for the ghosts of characters that walked through them.

7. Its architecture

Even the simplest house will leave you with your mouth open, because in Venice all the monuments will. This is mainly due to the infinity of details that each building in the city has and that makes any trip to Venice something special.

8. Its palaces

Trip to Venice, Doge's Palace
Doge’s Palace – effective stock photos

As we said, all the architecture in Venice is incredible, but it is even more so, if possible, the amount of palaces that there are throughout the city. Enjoying these huge buildings of the nobility is a unique experience, especially when seen from the gondolas.

9. Their masks

It may not be a reason in itself, but it makes Venice have a more special point. There is no store in the entire city that does not have the most amazing masks : from animals to pirates, to figures of speech or eccentric characters.

10. Your carnival

Carnival costumes in Venice
Carnival Costumes – Cyrsiam

Known throughout the world, the Venice Carnival is one of the great attractions of the city. It is not a carnival in the strict sense of the word, but it has a much more stately and distinguished atmosphere than others. Get ready to enjoy art in its purest form.

11. Your food

Eating well throughout Italy in general is one of the easiest things, and Venice is no exception. Of course, it is advisable to flee the most touristy areas, especially San Marcos Square, if you do not want to pay an abusive price for a pizza.

12. His silences

Cannaregio in Venice
Cannaregio – Marco Taliani de Marchio

Despite being one of the tourist cities of Italy par excellence, it is a very silent city. This is very appreciated when enjoying a trip to Venice, making it even more special.

13. His fashion, another excuse to take a trip to Venice

When we think of fashion, Italy comes to mind, and Venice is one of the Italian cities where you breathe the most. They have a different sense of fashion, with a touch of elegance that they leave printed in everything they wear, it matters little if they are sporting or are on a special occasion.

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