We Take A Walk Through Santander

We take a walk through Santander

Santander, the capital of Cantabria, has two words that define it: elegance and tranquility. During the last century it was the place chosen by King Alfonso XIII and his family to spend their vacations and from that moment on it “became fashionable” among the wealthiest classes in Spain. We have taken a walk through Santander and we want to tell you about it.

Santander, a city open to the sea; This is how one of the most beautiful towns in northern Spain is presented, ideal for a weekend getaway with family, couple or friends. The mountains and the sea form a really beautiful set to which we must add the stately buildings and the terraces with spectacular views … You will never want to leave again!

Santander – Manuel Alvarez

We propose a two-day tour of the charms of Santander, you will like it so much that it will be very difficult for you to return to the routine, the office and the hustle and bustle of your city. You’re warned!

First day in Santander

The walk begins in the old town, more precisely in the Pereda gardens (there is a tourist office there, so you can ask for maps or brochures). After contemplating the magnolias and cedars we go on a trip to the past. There are not many streets that you have to travel, so it is best to enjoy the road slowly.

Santander Porticda Square
Plaza Porticada – Arturo Limon

The facades of the banks, the tranquility of the corners and its monuments will take you to a distinguished time for the city. Continuing along Calle Hernan Cortés you will reach Plaza Porticada, a meeting point for locals and tourists (and one of the busiest in Santander). It was built in 1941 to be the center after a fire. In its surroundings, the cathedral and the churches of Christ and of the Company.

The path continues along Juan de Herrera street to another square, that of the Town Hall. The atmosphere here is also quite lively at all times of the day. Go to the Municipal Museum of Fine Arts and then to the Menéndez Pelayo Library House-Museum (a great thinker born in these lands).

Of course, you should not  miss visiting the Esperanza market to get fresh Santanterino products. If you continue along Calle Jesús de Monasterio or through San Fernando you will come across the commercial area of ​​the city, ideal for buying a souvenir or gift. And to eat something! We recommend Calle Vargas to taste the typical snails, squid and mussels.

Santander Cathedral
Santander Cathedral – jorisvo

In the afternoon it is time to get to know the marine edge of this beautiful town. Walk through the dock area, pass by the Grúa de Piedra (it weighs 30 tons) , have a coffee on Paseo de Pereda (there are many elegant establishments to choose from) and continue to the Palacete del Embarcadero. From there a boat departs that takes you for a walk across the bay. Unmissable experience!

Once back on land, he goes through the Calderón dock. with its sculpture of “los raqueros” (children jumping into the water) and continues through the Puertochico Maritime Club, the planetarium and the Palace of Festivals.

Before it’s time for dinner, take a walk around the Maritime Museum on Avenida Luis Carrero Blanco and walk through the beach area (among which we highlight Los Peligros and La Magdalena). To eat? The best option is to return to the center to “go for tapas” in the Plaza de Cañadío.

Second day in Santander

Hopefully you’ve rested because Sunday (or the second day) will be moved too. The morning must be dedicated to getting to know the Magdalena peninsula, from where you can see the islands of La Torre and Horadada.

Magdalena Palace in Santander
Magdalena Palace – Lenteja

The area is quite extensive (25 hectares), but we can travel it using the tourist train. You will pass by the pier, the beaches, the Cerda lighthouse and the Magdalena Palace. Here you will be at the top of the peninsula, perfect to glimpse the Royal Palace, the three replica caravels of those used by Christopher Columbus and a reserve of marine animals (seals, sea lions and penguins in their natural habitat).

Finally, after lunch you can stroll through the San Roque gardens, the Plaza de Italia, the Gran Casino and the Sardinero, to take a good dip in the sea before saying goodbye to Santander.

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