Guide To Visit Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore is one of the icons of the United States. We are going to get to know you better and offer some information to enjoy your visit.
Guide to visiting Mount Rushmore

To visit Mount Rushmore is to visit one of the most important icons in the United States along with the Statue of Liberty. However, they do not enjoy the same fame among foreign tourists. This is probably because Mount Rushmore is located in one of the least touristy states in the United States, South Dakota.

Despite them, it can be said that this place is part of that set of monuments that you have to see up close at least once in your life. Next, we will provide you with all the information you need to visit Mount Rushmore .

A little introduction before visiting Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore – E_Bass /

Mount Rushmore, or Mount Rushmore National Memorial (in English), is a monument or sculpture complex. It is located in Keystone, in the state of South Dakota, in the United States. It was opened to the public in 1941, the year in which the sculpture was completed.

The monument was designed by the sculptor Gutzon Borglum. It depicts, from left to right, the faces of the following American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

So … where does the name Rushmore come from?

It acquired this name in 1884. That was the year that Charles E. Rushmore, a New York attorney, traveled to the area to verify that property titles were legal. Once there, he asked a man who lived in the area and was acting as a guide for the name of the mountain. The man replied, “It never had a name, but from now on we will call it Rushmore.”

So if you expect to meet the face of “President Rushmore,” you are going to be disappointed. Charles E. Rushmore was a New York attorney who made numerous donations to the Borglum project and was proud of the transformation of the mountain that bore his name.

The Lincoln Borglum Visitor Center

Mount Rushmore Visitor Center
Visitor Center – Cheryl Kohan /

The first thing you should do to visit Mount Rushmore is stop by the Information Center. There you can pick up brochures with information about the park and its creator. Information that will allow you to understand much better the meaning of the monument.

In addition, at the Lincoln Borglum Visitor Center (named after Gutzon Borglum’s son, who finished the monument after his father died) you can see a 14-minute film about the sculpture complex.

Organize your day well to make the most of your visit

In the morning

The morning is the best part of the day to see and appreciate the faces of Mount Rushmore. The morning sun brings a golden glow to the mountain and makes it worth getting up early to be there on time. Also, it is when there are fewer people.

Face on Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore – Pat (Cletch) Williams /

After the inevitable photoshoot, you have to have breakfast with the presidents. The well-known Mount Rushmore Carver’s CafĂ© restaurant has stunning views and is open year round. It has breakfast, lunch and dinner services with presidential views.

You can get closer to the sculpture through the Presidential Route or Presidential Trail. If you go through it, you will learn more about the history of the monument; You can also rent an audio guide for the Audio Tour. It includes narrations, music, interviews, and much more information.

Also, you cannot miss the Sculptor’s Studio or Sculptor’s Studio. In it you will be able to admire the work of Gutzon Borglum and the true image that he had of Mount Rushmore. Inside the studio there are plaster models and tools that were used for the details of the faces.

At night

To unwind, you can enjoy ice cream at Mount Rushmore’s ice cream shop, the Memorial Team Ice Cream Shop. It was named in honor of the team of sculptors. You can also buy souvenirs at the gift shop. And before you go, do not forget to see the ceremony of lights. The dramatic lighting offers an unforgettable image.

Mount Rushmore is one of the largest carved monuments in the world. If you are planning to go, we recommend staying in the city of Rapid City, a city located half an hour by car from the monument. So you can rest there without having to travel far to visit Mount Rushmore.

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