7 Monuments Of Zaragoza That You Cannot Miss

The Spanish city of Zaragoza has a millenary history, and its monuments attest to it. We are going to know some of the most important ones.
7 monuments of Zaragoza that you cannot miss

The Aragonese capital hides countless buildings and constructions of great architectural and historical value that deserve to be taken into account. Many of them, moreover, have been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest. Therefore, below we propose seven monuments of Zaragoza that you cannot miss if you visit the city. Can you come with us?

1. Monuments of Zaragoza : Basilica del Pilar

Basilica of Our Lady of Pilar in Zaragoza
Basilica del Pilar – NaughtyNut

It is  the best-known construction in Zaragoza, so its visit is practically mandatory. It is also constituted as one of the most important Marian sanctuaries of Catholicism and as an artistic center, given the works of great value it houses, such as frescoes painted by Francisco de Goya.

On the other hand, inside the Baroque-style Basilica del Pilar, the main altarpiece stands out, made by Damián Forment in the 16th century. But you should also look at the main choir, carved in oak from Flanders. And, of course, you have to stop in front of the Santa Capilla, where the image of the Virgen del Pilar is located.

2. Cathedral of the Savior of Zaragoza

Seo of Zaragoza
Seo – chiakto

It is the second temple of Zaragoza of indispensable visit. In addition, it is just a few meters from the Basilica del Pilar. Its construction began in the 12th century on the site where the ancient Roman forum and the main mosque were located. Originally in the Romanesque style, it underwent numerous reforms and extensions until 1704.

On the outside of the Cathedral of El Salvador de Zaragoza or “la Seo”, the wall of the parish chapel of San Miguel Arcángel stands out. Inside, the main Gothic altarpiece stands out, carved in alabaster and polychrome by various renowned artists such as Pere Joan or Hans de Suabia.

3. Aljafería Palace

Aljafería Palace in Zaragoza
Aljafería Palace – Loredana Cirstea

The current headquarters of the Cortes de Aragón  is  one of the most significant monuments of Spanish-Muslim architecture of the 11th century, being the only one that is preserved from the time of the Taifa. It was built by order of the Arab monarch Al-Muqtadir.

The oldest part of the Aljafería Palace is the Troubadour tower, as it dates from the 9th century, when it was built to serve as a watchtower and defensive bastion. Later it has had various uses, as a prison for the Inquisition. A quadrangular building with five floors.

4. Stone Bridge

Puente de Piedra, one of the monuments of Zaragoza
Stone Bridge – Iakov Filimonov

It is the oldest bridge that is preserved over the Ebro river, since its origins date back to the founding of the city itself, that is, about two thousand years ago. It replaces another made of wood that served as both a bridge and an aqueduct, but its current structure dates from the 15th century.

However, the bridge has been rebuilt several times as a result of the flooding of the Ebro river. The last remodeling was carried out in the 20th century, at which time the sculptor Francisco Rallo arranged the four bronze lions at the ends of the construction.

5. Sástago Palace

Sástago Palace in Zaragoza
Sástago Palace- FRANCIS RAHER / Wikimedia Commons

Another of the monuments of Zaragoza that you cannot miss is this Renaissance-style palace, the former residence of Don Artal de Alagón, third count of Sástago and viceroy of Aragon. It was built in the 16th century and its baroque façade stands out. It currently serves as an exhibition hall.

6. Larrinaga Palace

Larrinaga Palace in Zaragoza
Larrinaga Palace – Zaragoza Tourism / Flickr.com

We continue with another of the emblematic palaces of Zaragoza: the Larrinaga palace. It was built between 1900 and 1908 on the initiative of Manuel Larrinaga, although he never lived there. Due to his profession, the building is decorated with shipping and maritime motifs.

To this day, symbolisms and anecdotes of the romantic past of the Aragonese city can be discovered, starting with that of its first owner and his wife, Asunción Clavero. They both planned to move to the palace when they retired. However, the woman died before they could carry out such a plan.

7. Roman wall

Roman wall of Zaragoza
Roman wall – Iakov Filimonov

During the Roman Empire, Caesaraugusta (today Zaragoza) was surrounded by a wall. It was built between the 1st and 3rd century AD and is said to have had up to 120 towers.

Two sections of it are preserved : one of eighty meters next to the Zuda tower, while the other is part of the convent of the Holy Sepulcher. One of those monuments of Zaragoza that sometimes goes unnoticed, but that is worth contemplating.

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