8 Caves That Will Surprise You

8 caves that will surprise you

Come discover the 8 most amazing caves in the world. For years, nature itself has carved places in the bowels of the Earth that not even the most portentous human imagination would have been able to dream of. The vagaries of evolutionary chance now allow us to enjoy the beauty of this underground world.

1. Gruta de las Maravillas, Spain

We began our visit in Spain, specifically, in the small Andalusian town of Aracena, located in the province of Huelva, on the mountain range that has the same name as the town. There we find the Grotto of Wonders, and the name is not trivial.

Cave of Wonders in Spain
Gruta de las Maravillas, Spain – Junta Informa / commons.wikimedia.org

The Grotto of Wonders is a natural jewel that reaches our days from the Cambrian period, now 500 million years ago. Formed from marbles and limestone damaged by water, between its walls we can see aragonites, speleothems and geysermites that go down to a beautiful underground lake.

2. Caves of Altamira, Spain

We continue within the Spanish territory to go on this occasion to the famous Altamira Caves, located in the wonderful Cantabrian town of Santillana del Mar. An artistic jewel that reaches our days directly from Prehistory, when our ancestors began to leave their pictorial imprint in the world.

In the Altamira Caves you can glimpse wonderful cave paintings that thousands of years ago illustrated the customs and beliefs of primitive men. Today, well cared for and investigated by the famous Arsuaga, they remain as a reminder of our most ancient past.

3. Naica Mine, Mexico

Naica mine in Mexico
Naica Mine, Mexico – Paul Williams / Flickr.com

We now move to Mexico in our search for the most amazing caves in the world to focus our gaze on the Naica Mine, located in the town of the same name within the state of Chihuahua.

In the Naica Mine, crystals so large that they have come to measure up to 2 meters thick and a total of 15 meters long have been formed. However, the chamber that holds the largest is banned from the public due to its high temperatures. In addition, large amounts of silver and lead have been produced at the site throughout history.

4. The Blue Grotto, Italy

Blue Grotto in Capri
Blue Grotto, Italy – Tania Zbrodko

We continue our journey looking for the most beautiful caves on the planet to land in Italy. There, on the beautiful island of Capri, we find the Blue Grotto, which is nothing more than a simple underground lake. However, the light refracted on the water that comes from the outside achieves a wonderful spectacle that amazes every visitor who comes to this incredible place.

5. Cuevas del Drach, Spain

Caves of Drach in Mallorca
Cuevas del Drach, Spain – Piotr Wawrzyniuk

We return to Spain in search of the most impressive caves on the planet to enter those of Drach, the most famous in the entire national territory. They are located on the island of Mallorca, the largest of the Balearic Islands, in the town of Manacor, and they are a real beauty.

In reality, the Drach are four caves, the Black, the White, the Luis Salvador and the French, which are connected to each other. They have been created thanks to the arrival of sea water, and it is believed that they began to take shape in Miocene times. Undoubtedly, both its interior lake and the beauty of the walls will dazzle every visitor.

6. Crystal Cave, Bermuda

Cristas Caves in Bermuda
Cristas Caves, Bermuda – Andrew Malone / Flickr.com

We are now leaving for Bermuda in our search for the most famous and beautiful caverns in the world to enter the Crystal Cave, in the vicinity of the town of Castle Harbor.

A cave more than 60 meters deep and half a kilometer long that houses a large number of speleothems thanks to the action of the water, since at the beginning it was above sea level, but now, with the rise of the tide, this fact has radically changed.

7. Son Doong Cave, Vietnam

Son Doong Cave in Vietnam
Son Doong Cave, Vietnam – MyImages – Micha

We are now going to Vietnam to locate another of the most incredible caves on the planet, Son Doong Cave, the one classified as the largest in the entire planet. It is located within the surroundings of the Nha-Ke Bang National Park and consists of about 5 kilometers of tunnel with a width of 150 meters in some areas.

8, Tham Phraya Nakhon, Thailand

ThCave Tham Phraya Nakon in Thailand
Tham Phraya Nakon, Thailand – Thomas Becker / Flickr.com

We say goodbye to our route through the most amazing caves in the world at Tham Phraya Nakhon, located in Thailand. An incredible place due to its large size, full of vegetation that lives off the humidity caused by the constant rains of the country. Its atmosphere is defined as mystical thanks to the dawn light.

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