Discover These 5 Towns In Rural Galicia

Discover these 5 towns in rural Galicia

Are you thinking of doing inland tourism? Do you want to disconnect and enjoy a quiet weekend? Go ahead and discover the best towns in rural Galicia , surrounded by mountains, green forests and fantastic landscapes that will eclipse you. There is nothing like enjoying a sunset or a route lost in nature. Don’t think twice and head to Galicia!

The advantages of rural trips

Although it is not the most common way of traveling, rural tourism is an exercise that we should all do at some time. Its advantages are many: peace, tranquility, nature, landscapes, fresh air …

Hórreos in rural Galicia
Typical horreo – colors

However, beauty stops being having a drink on the promenade or enjoying a monument to being in the hands of sunsets, rivers or the color of the leaves of the trees in autumn. For this reason, these types of destinations are chosen to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of big cities. Also to relieve stress and to, of course, enjoy these little things that can make us so happy.

Visit these five towns in rural Galicia

1. Mondoñedo

Mondoñedo Cathedral – DavidDaguerro /

Mondoñedo is a municipality located in the province of Lugo, to the north. Its old town was declared a Historic-Artistic Site in 1985. The most outstanding monument is the cathedral, built in the 13th century and declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2015.

As a peculiarity, the roofs of this town in rural Galicia usually end in a peak (ameas) to protect themselves from the wind. In addition, it is a municipality through which the Camino de Santiago passes.

In addition to the cathedral, there are other places of interest, such as  the Episcopal Palace, the Plaza de España, the Santuario de los Remedios and the church of Santiago.

2. San Andrés de Teixido

San Andrés de Teixido in rural Galicia
San Andrés de Teixido – peizais

It is a small village located in A Coruña, very close to the sea. It is a remote place with many hidden legends. There are those who say that you have to make a pilgrimage to this place once in your life. Specifically, to a hermitage hidden within the village.

Some people familiar with the legend begin the pilgrimage in Cedeira, a fishing village 12 kilometers away. The good thing is that during the route you can enjoy wonderful views of the mountain, specifically, the Sierra de A Capelada. Along the way you can also see wild horses and witness a wonderful view of the cliffs.

Once in the village, we recommend you drink from the source of the saint three times and make three wishes. Finally, throw in a breadcrumb. Everything is legend!

3. Betanzos

Church of San Francisco in Betanzos
Church of San Francisco, Betanzos – Allariz – Brais Seara /

It is another municipality located in the province of A Coruña, 23 kilometers from the capital. Its urban nucleus is located on a hill and the course of two rivers, Mandeo and Mendo, which join to form the Betanzos estuary.

This municipality known as “Betanzos de los Caballeros” was one of the seven provincial capitals of the former Kingdom of Galicia. In addition, its old town, fundamentally Gothic in style, is one of the best preserved in Galicia.

The most outstanding monuments are the churches of Santiago and Santa María del Azogue, and the city walls. Also the gothic houses of Rúa da Cerca.

4. Allariz

Allariz in rural Galicia
Allariz – Brais Seara

It is located in the province of Ourense. It is a well-known town because King Alfonso X El Sabio was born and educated there. Its historic center is also a Historic-Artistic Complex.

Like San Andrés de Teixido, it is a municipality full of legends such as that of the Wolf Man, Santa Mariña de Augas Santas or Vicente Risco. Some outstanding monuments are the church of Santiago, the convent of Santa Clara, the Jewish quarter and the remains of its wall.

In addition, a popular festival called Festa do Boi is celebrated on May 29. It is a kind of Sanfermines Galician version.

 5. O Cebreiro

Or Cebreiro in rural Galicia
O Cebreiro – Guillermo Pis Gonzalez

It is a small village located in Lugo. It is the first Galician town on the Camino de Santiago Frances. In it is the church of Santa María, of pre-Romanesque origin. Inside there is a chalice dating from the 12th century.

However, the highlight of O Cebreiro are the pallozas, traditional constructions of pre-Romanesque origin, specifically Celtic. They are circular in shape, the walls are made of stone and the roof is vegetal and cone-shaped. They also exist in El Bierzo (León) and in Asturias.

These are some places in Rural Galicia that we can recommend. However, this community has many more things to offer you. There are also numerous fishing villages, such as Viveiro, Muro and Tui, in Pontevedra. And it is that Galicia has both beach and mountains, surrounded by green forests, nature and tranquility. Don’t let the rain make you stay home, Galicia awaits you!

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