Swimming In To Sua, An Unforgettable Experience

It is a fabulous natural pool. But you must swim in it with caution, as there are currents that can drag you.
Swimming in To Sua, an unforgettable experience

To Sua Ocean Trench has become one of the most recurrent images of the tourist campaigns of Samoa, that attractive Polynesian country. And, without a doubt, by looking at the images that accompany this text you will understand it. Is it or is it not a really beautiful site? But, in addition to being beautiful, it doesn’t hurt that you know some of its peculiarities.

Where is To Sua Ocean Trench

This wonder of nature is located on the island of Upolu, one of the most touristy in the entire Samoa archipelago. And, more specifically, it is located in the Lotofaga area, on the south coast of the island.

It is a place that will not be difficult for you to reach, since its increasing tourist fame makes it almost impossible to get lost. And that, despite the fact that we are talking about a place completely surrounded by overflowing tropical vegetation.

What does To Sua Ocean Trench mean?

Interior by To Sua
Interior by To Sua

Knowing the meaning of To Sua in the local language, the truth is that we are practically discovering the main reason to visit this site in Samoa. Its name comes to mean something like ‘gigantic swimming hole’. Clearer impossible!

There a huge hole awaits us in the surface of the ground. And at its bottom, about 30 meters deep, wonderful crystalline waters to submerge.

The entrance to To Sua

As we have said, To Sua Ocean Trench is becoming more and more known. And that means that you have to pay a price to enter this natural site. But the amount is quite manageable. Traveling to Upolu and not ending up taking a dip in this peculiar cavity of the mysterious islands of the South Pacific would be almost inexcusable.

The origin of this huge natural pool

Pool interior
To Sua – NeilsPhotography / Flickr.com

Today, the enjoyment of To Sua Ocean Trench is most enjoyable. But the origin of this place is much more agitated. You have to think that the island of Upolu, like so many others in Polynesia, bases its formation on volcanic activity. It was lava that shaped these landscapes, although erosion and the passage of time changed them.

For example, in this area of ​​Lotofaga, to the south of the island, limestone rock predominates. A rock that in conjunction with water can create all kinds of underground cavities. In fact, the karst landscapes that limestone rock generates in many parts of the planet are famous.

Well, Uncle Sua Ocean Trench actually followed the same process. However, here it was a whole huge circle of ground that sank and detached, thus appearing this great almost perfect hole.

Take a very special bath

Interior by To Sua
Interior by To Sua

That perfection of the circle of To Sua, the depth, the beauty of the environment and the turquoise blue waters of its bottom act as a magnet for tourists. Everyone comes here to take a unique bath and very difficult to imagine in other corners of the planet.

A special dip … but safely

But do not think that you have to jump into the void from the top. No! Dizzying stairs were placed to descend to the bottom. And thus bathing more safely. Although, it is true that the most intrepid look for projections in the rock with little moss before reaching the lower part to launch from there.

Something that has a very reckless point. The same as skipping the recommendations regarding the dangerousness of the tides and currents. In fact, a strong rope was installed in the water to avoid unpleasant accidents, since the current has dragged people into the underground cavities that reach the ocean.

So now you know, you can swim in To Sua and have an indelible memory of your vacation in Samoa, but do it safely. It would be a shame if a visit to a heavenly place ended in a real catastrophe.

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