Pushkar In India, The City Of The Holy Lake

Pushkar in India, the city of the holy lake

Without a doubt, one of the most interesting countries that we can know is India. Its culture, its aromas and its passionate history are kept alive and make us dream and fall in love with this magnificent country even more . Pushkar is one of those cities that preserves almost intact that essence that we like so much about India.  Would you like to meet her? Then join us in this mythical adventure.

The mythical city of Pushkar

The history of the city of Pushkar derives from a beautiful legend. It tells that the gods decided to release a beautiful swan with a lotus flower in its beak. Wherever the swan dropped the flower, the god Brahma would perform a great iagna or oblation ritual. Well, the swan dropped the flower in the city of Pushkar, the meaning of which is “born because of a flower.”

Pushkar in India
Pushkar – Syahrel Azha Hashim

The city of Pushkar is located about 14 kilometers northeast of Ajmer and, although it has very few inhabitants, it is always full of visitors, especially practitioners of the Hindu religion. Not surprisingly, Pushkar is considered one of the five dhams or holy places of pilgrimage of devout Hindus. This mythical city is also known as Tirtha Rash or the king of pilgrimage sites.

In addition to devotees of the Hindu religion, Pushkar is one of the most frequented places by curious foreign tourists. This preference is perhaps due, in addition to its mysticism, to the fact that it is one of the oldest cities in India, which is why it is full of monuments and perfectly preserved places through which you can learn about the extraordinary history and culture of the town.

Sri Raghunath Swamy Temple in Pushkar
Sri Raghunath Swamy Temple – Alexander Mazurkevich

Although Pushkar has a large number of temples, many of them are not the original constructions, this because they were destroyed during the conquest of the territory by the Muslims. However, despite this, the vast majority have been rebuilt and restored trying to raise them again in the image and likeness of the original.

One of the most popular temples, not only in Pushkar but also in India, and which is preserved in perfect condition is the Brahma temple, which dates back to the 14th century. There are very few temples that exist in the world in honor of Brahma, which gives him a relevance above normal.

What to see in Pushkar?

1. The temple of Brahma

Puskhar in India
Pushkar – Don Mammoser

As we discussed earlier, the Brahma temple is one of the main tourist attractions in the city. It does not matter if you are not a devotee of the Hindu religion, getting to know it is almost a mandatory stop that everyone who visits the city cannot stop doing. It is an imposing building dating from the fourteenth century, there you will find an extraordinary peace while you delight in the precious details that decorate each precinct of the temple.

2. The sacred lake of Pushkar

Pushkar lake

The sacred lake of Pushkar is, together with the Brahma temple, one of the most visited places by pilgrims who pray and sing in the place every day. Knowing it is getting closer and knowing a little more about this extraordinary culture.

3. Pap Mochini Temple

From Pushkar Lake you can see how the Pap Mochini temple stands on the top of a hill. It is one of the most beautiful places in Pushkar and not only because of the temple, but because from it you can see wonderful panoramic views of the city.

Puskhar – shark3d

To get to the temple you must climb a hill in a walk of approximately 30 minutes. Once there, and as in any Hindu temple, you must remove your shoes as a sign of respect, it is also a required rule to enter. The guided tour of the temple 20 minutes, but it is well worth the effort for the fantastic views of Pushkar.

Pushkar is one of the most fascinating cities in India. It may not be the largest but it is definitely one of the most important in terms of temples and devotion. Knowing it is getting closer to that unique and special essence that we like so much about India. And you, would you like to know this wonderful and mythical city?

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