We Visit The Imposing Royal Castle Of Blois

We visit the imposing Royal Castle of Blois

The Royal Castle of Blois is located in the city of the same name and is the gateway to the Loire castles. It is made up of several buildings that were built between the 13th and 17th centuries. In addition, it was declared in 2000 as a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

The beginnings of the emblematic castle of Blois

Castle of Blois
Castle of Blois – MagSpace

The castle of Blois is an important part of the history of France, since it  was the residence of various kings and nobles of this country. It was also the place where the Archbishop of Reims blessed Joan of Arc before she left for Orleans with her army to defeat the English.

This castle combines a beautiful mix of styles where the Gothic of the early Renaissance of the 15th century, the Renaissance of the 16th century and, finally, the classic style of the 17th century stand out. In turn, it is mainly made up of three wings and the General States Room.

The imposing hall of the States General

Hall of the States General of the castle of Blois
Hall of States General – Ronny Siegel / Flickr.com

The ” Salles des Etats Géméraux ” finds its origin in the 9th century. At that time the Counts of Blois decided to build a fortress, which would be remodeled over the centuries.

This monumental Gothic-style building owes its name to King Henry III, who met the Estates General of France there on two occasions. It is a room that is divided into two naves by a group of columns and that presents a unique architectural value, since it constitutes the last part of the old medieval fortress that still stands.

The historical importance of the Louis XII wing

Castle of Blois
Château de Blois – Hocusfocus55 / Flickr.com

The Louis XII wing is a majestic construction made of brick and stone. In this one can appreciate the mixture of architectural influences of the flamboyant-Gothic style that, in turn, combines perfectly with Nordic elements and other currents.

In this part of the castle of Blois  , restoration and extension work began in order to install the court of France. The royal apartments on the first floor, which were fitted out for King Louis XII and Anne of Brittany, now house the Bloise Museum of Fine Arts.

The wing of Francisco I, a true masterpiece

Castle of Blois
Spiral staircase of the Château de Blois – Sergey Kelin

Since his arrival to the throne, King Francisco I decided to recondition the wing that bears his name. For this reason, the reconstruction of this structure culminated in a period of no more than 15 years. Upon completion of the retrofitting of this wing, Queen Catherine de Medici and her children would occupy the second floor of this part of the Château de Blois.

The impressive Francis I wing features a Renaissance style. What accentuated the sudden evolution of the Italian decoration for the French constructions of that time. Its emblematic spiral staircase, adorned with pilasters and other old-fashioned motifs, are a clear example of this.

The majestic wing of Gaston of Orleans

Castle of Blois
Gaston of Orleans wing facade – wjarek

The iconic Gaston of Orleans wing was the residence of Queen Marie de ‘Medici and her son Gaston of Orleans in the 17th century. The reconstruction of the castle was undertaken in 1635 with the help of the famous architect Mansart, whose projects would finish three years later.

Parallel to the construction of the wing, an exceptional botanical garden was created with a variety of more than 2,300 species. However, with the death of Gaston of Orleans, the castle of Blois falls into oblivion and its gardens are abandoned. The castle was saved from demolition by the revolutionaries because it was made available for the militia.

The castle of Blois turned into a museum

Castle of Blois
Blois Castle – Dennis Jarvis / Flickr.com

The Château de Blois is currently an important museum in France  that houses more than 35,000 works. Furthermore, l

the castle courtyard becomes a stage where swordsmen face off to remember old times and legends. Getting carried away by Renaissance music and theatrical scenes will undoubtedly be a sublime experience.

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