Visit Machu Picchu: 5 Keys To Enjoy The Trip

Machu Picchu, like any tourist site, has its secrets. They are small keys that will help you not to spend money unnecessarily and to take better advantage of the trip.
Visit Machu Picchu: 5 keys to enjoy the trip

Visiting Machu Picchu is one of those dreams that is on the minds of almost all travelers. Sooner or later everyone is intrigued by this sacred city, a vestige of one of the most interesting cultures of antiquity.

There are thousands of tours to go to Machu Picchu. They offer everything, at all kinds of costs. The problem is that you do not always know if they are your best option, which of them is more convenient or if perhaps it is better to go on your own. Let’s see what are the key points to visit Machu Picchu and get the most out of it.

1. Machu Picchu is part of the Sacred Valley of the Incas

Machcu Picchu in Peru
Constructions in Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is a mountain that is located in an area called the Sacred Valley of the Incas. In this area there are several archaeological sites and different indigenous peoples. The main access point to the valley is the town of Cuzco.

The Sacred Valley is made up of :

  • Pisac : a town where there is a very famous square, as well as an astronomical observatory and a picturesque market.
  • Pre-Columbian cemetery : it is at the top of Pisac and is the largest indigenous cemetery in America.
  • Sacsayhuamán : it is an archaeological center, which has several limestone rock constructions.
  • Qenko : it is a zigzag channel, which has a sacred stone in the center.
  • Tambomachay : it was a water cult center, full of canals and waterfalls.
  • Chinchero : a town that has a well-known market for tourists.
  • Maras : a town where there are ruins that, apparently, were a center for experimentation with crops.
  • Ollantaytambo : a town with a monumental archaeological zone. Inca architecture is preserved almost intact there. It is the most important, after Machu Picchu.
  • Machu Picchu. It is a town, a mountain and an archaeological site. The most famous of all the Sacred Valley and the most emblematic as well.

2. Get to Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu can be reached by train, by bus or on foot. It all depends on tastes, budget and the time you have available. Let’s see the possibilities.

By train

Train from Cuzco to Machu Picchu
Train from Cuzco to Machu Picchu

It is the fastest way, but also the most expensive, to visit Machu Picchu. The train leaves Cuzco at 2 or 3 am. It reaches Aguas Calientes, at the foot of the mountain. From there you can go up on foot or by bus. On the way back, the same route is done.

Some take the opportunity to visit, also by train, the town of Ollantaytambo and then return to Cuzco by bus. The total cost of transportation ranges from $200 to $300.

By bus

Take the bus from Cuzco to the stop called “Hidroeléctrica”. From there you walk for three hours to Aguas Calientes. It spends the night and the next day you go up to Machu Picchu by bus or on foot. The cost ranges from $100 to $200.


There are several routes, but the best known is the Inca Trail. Yes or yes, you have to hire a tour or a guide and the route lasts four days. It is the most expensive way to get there, costing between $600 and $1,500. It requires good physical conditions.

3. The best time to visit Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu with clouds
Macchu Picchu

In Peru there are basically two seasons: one rainy and the other dry. The rainy season runs from November to April and the dry season runs from May to October.

The advantage of the dry season is that, obviously, without rain you can enjoy the trip better. In return, everything is more expensive. In the rainy season it is possible that your walk is run through water, but in return the prices are significantly lower. In February the Inca Trail is closed.

4. You have to buy a ticket previously

View of Machu Picchu
Macchu Picchu

To enter the citadel that is at the top of Machu Picchu, you must have a valid ticket. Be careful, because they won’t sell it to you there. You must purchase it previously in Cuzco. It is sold by travel agencies, together with a tour or independently of it. If you do not bring your ticket , your visit has ended there.

5. Other tips

Don’t bring a professional camera. You risk being charged $300 for its use. Also, do not carry a tripod, or walking sticks, or an umbrella. All these instruments are prohibited, since they can damage the floors of the place.

Also do not buy tours in unauthorized sites to visit Machu Picchu, they could rip you off. Finally, take your precautions against altitude sickness. The best thing is to acclimatize a few days before in Cuzco.

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