The 10 Most Hospitable Countries In The World

There are places that are on every list of the most hospitable countries in the world. Iceland, Ireland and Thailand stand out. All who visit them are delighted with their people.
The 10 most hospitable countries in the world

Defining which are the most hospitable countries in the world is not easy at all. After all, in every country on the planet there are friendly people who offer a warm welcome to the traveler. And also in all nations there is still a person who sees the foreigner as an intruder and makes it known with his gestures and attitudes.

And it must be taken into account that the opinion of each person is conditioned by the individual experience that they lived in a certain place. Unpleasant events may occur in places where people are very nice, and vice versa. That is why the ranking of the most hospitable countries in the world is always relative.

Be that as it may, we have consulted the top 10 of the most hospitable countries in various sources and dates. It is clear that the name of some is repeated with some frequency. Based on that, here is our ranking , in no particular order.

1. Iceland

Reykjavik in Iceland
Reykjavik view

Iceland appears in all the lists of the most hospitable countries in the world. Likewise, in almost all of them it appears in the first positions. Icelanders are very kind people, who are always ready to help someone who is in difficulties.

In fact, they are famous for their affability for a long time. In the works of Jules Verne this distinctive feature of this fabulous country was captured.

2. New Zealand

New Zealand is among the happiest countries in the world, and this is not surprising. The quality of life of its inhabitants is one of the highest on the planet.

There the watchword is equality : they give you full respect, regardless of your origin or economic capacity. There is a deeply rooted culture of ensuring the rights of all people.

3. Portugal

The Portuguese are overseas people. They have very internalized the spirit of the migrant, and for that reason they are extremely receptive and hospitable to any traveler.

They know how to welcome those who come from abroad and do everything possible to make them feel comfortable in their country. They are altruistic, open and sincere. Besides the fact that the country is beautiful, its people adorn it even more.

4. Spain

Setenil de las Bodegas one of the magical towns of Spain
Setenil de las Bodegas

It is true that in the big cities of Spain, as it happens all over the world, hospitality is not such a visible feature. However, in the smaller towns, that welcoming and friendly spirit of the Spanish is very evident.

5. Ireland, one of the most hospitable countries in the world

Ireland is world famous for the kindness of its people. One of the popular slogans in that country is: “There are no foreigners, there are only friends you have not met yet.

The Irish are outgoing and curious, always open to learning more about the travelers who visit them. They strike up a conversation easily and are very helpful to those who ask for their help.

6. Canada

Canadians are very polite and friendly. Courtesy is a hallmark in this country  of people with a great sense of humor and very open to the world. As it is a nation of immigrants, the culture that prevails is that of welcoming those who come from other parts of the world as if they were just another Canadian.

This, added to the impressive beauty of the country, places Canada as one of the favorite destinations for foreigners. Something that can not be missed.

7. Costa Rica

Rainforest in Costa Rica
Costa Rica rainforest

Not for nothing is Costa Rica one of the Latin American countries with the most foreign residents. It is a nation that has everything to attract any visitor.

In a survey in this regard, 80% of travelers said they feel at home when they go to Costa Rica. Many stay there because of the high human and environmental quality of that entire nation.

8. Uganda

Uganda is for many the friendliest country in the world. Kindness and good treatment with the traveler is something that is in the culture and DNA of the country. Most of those who visit this nation fall in love with it, mainly because of the warmth of its people.

9. Thailand

Thailand is known throughout the world as “the country of smiles. It is not lacking in any top 10 of the most hospitable countries on the planet. The Thai idiosyncrasy is welcoming and respectful to the visitor.

All this, without forgetting that the country is an exquisite mix of tradition and modernity, within the framework of fabulous landscapes and spectacular gastronomy.

10. Philippines

The Philippines has a privileged geographical position. This has caused many multinationals to set up branches there. Therefore, there are many foreigners in this country, where English is spoken, mainly.

The locals are very open and helpful. They do not spare expressions of enthusiasm and welcome towards those who visit them.

Traveling is learning, growing in values ​​and getting to know other cultures

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