Cardona Castle, A Place Full Of Legends

With a millenary history, this castle, transformed into a parador, hides a peculiar story related to paranormal events.
Cardona Castle, a place full of legends

Perched high on a promontory, Cardona Castle  offers fantastic views of the Cardener River Valley and the Salino Valley. This, together with its good state of preservation, allows us to travel to the Middle Ages. If you want to know more about this place, which also stars a curious legend, do not hesitate to continue reading.

History of the castle of Cardona

Cardona Castle
Cardona Castle

Cardona Castle was built in 886 by order of Count Wilfredo el Velloso.  It was the official residence of the lords of Cardona between the 11th and 15th centuries. Their power was enormous, since they had extensive territorial domains and dynastic ties. For this reason, they received the nickname of the “kings without crown.”

Later, the castle of Cardona would have a great role during the war of the Spanish succession. And it is that Catalonia was placed on the Austrian side against Felipe V. In 1714, after a siege in which part of the walls was destroyed, it was not long before it was handed over to the Bourbon troops.

Today part of the castle is occupied by a Parador de Turismo. A four-star hotel, which was inaugurated in 1976. Since then it has accumulated various awards and prizes, such as being among the ten best castle hotels in Europe.

Characteristics of the castle of Cardona

Cardona castle courtyard
Castle courtyard – Carlos Luna /

The castle is made up of long and narrow corridors, austere, vaulted rooms with pointed hoops, wooden joists and Gothic elements. In him they emphasize the parade ground or Ducal Patio; the cloister, of which little is preserved today; or the casemate, an old magazine and weapons store.

The fortified enclosure includes the famous Minyona tower, of medieval origin, fifteen meters high and more than ten meters in diameter. A construction dating from the 11th century.

The legend about room 712

Inside the castle of Cardona
Inside the castle of Cardona

Room 712, located west of the seventh floor of the Parador,  is famous for the supposed paranormal phenomena that have occurred in it. Furniture has been found together in the center of the room, voices or noises have been heard when no one was staying, and apparitions have been witnessed.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it remains closed to customers,  unless they expressly want to sleep there. Those who have done so have, for the most part, commented on not having slept well or having spent a restless night. Only a few have claimed to feel strange presences.

But what is this all about? According to legend, during the 11th century, the young Christian Adalés fell in love with a Muslim.  For this reason, her father condemned her to live forever locked in the Minyona tower. There he died of grief. Since then, his sad soul roams the area, starring in strange events.

Information for visiting Cardona castle

Cardona Castle
Cardona Castle – giborn_134 /

To get to Cardona Castle from Barcelona you can go on your own by car. You just have to take the C-16 to Manresa and then the C-55 towards Solona to take the first exit from Cardona. Other options are to take the bus that leaves from the North Station; or the train, although this only goes as far as Manresa.

Cardona Castle can be accessed on Saturdays and Sundays at eleven in the morning, when the guided tour is in Spanish. At one o’clock and half past six in the afternoon, the visit is in Catalan. In the event that this visit is carried out in a group, the days change to Tuesdays and Fridays. Of course, it must be reserved in advance.

Regarding the price, the general admission, which can be purchased online, has a cost of six euros.  Four pay those under the age of seven to sixteen and those over the age of sixty-five. Meanwhile, children under seven years of age can access for free.

This castle is one of the treasures that you can see in the province of Barcelona. From the Catalan capital to Cardona there are a little less than a hundred kilometers, but the visit is worth it.

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