We Visit Some Of The Most Beautiful Places In Spain

We visit some of the most beautiful places in Spain

There are thousands of places to visit in Spain. Some are popular, while others are great unknown. Each one has a different and incomparable charm. They can attract attention for their beautiful landscapes or for their striking monuments. Also for its people or even for its gastronomy.  Today we do a fantastic tour looking for the most beautiful places in Spain. Corners that deserve not one visit, but a hundred.

The most beautiful places in Spain : 4 examples

It is not surprising that Spain is a tourist destination par excellence, as it has wonderful places for all tastes. This that we are going to offer you is just a small list with 4 of the most beautiful places in Spain. Very different sites, as you can see.

1. The Malaga Caves of Nerja

Caves of Nerja, one of the most beautiful places in Spain
Caves of Nerja – catalin eremia

In the province of Malaga is the beautiful town of Nerja. Many tourists come to this town attracted by the wide variety of attractions it offers. However, one is more renowned than the rest, they are its fabulous caves.

These caves were discovered in 1959 by some boys looking for bats. Some caves that, with their magic, manage to trap the visitor as he enters them. Its captivating underground monuments, created and drawn by the passage of water over thousands of years, are welcoming.

Strolling through its many galleries, different groups of stalagmites and stalactites appear. All of them taking curious and striking forms. These caves have been declared a Historic-Artistic Monument and a captivating festival of music, dance and ballet is held annually in them.

2. Butrón Castle, a delight in the Basque Country

Butrón Castle, one of the most beautiful places in Spain
Butrón castle – seven_vidas

This castle is located in Gatica, in the province of Vizcaya. An imposing fortification that leaves anyone who comes to contemplate it speechless. Sensation that is accompanied by the spectacular vegetation that surrounds the place.

At first it was not raised as a fortress. It simply had a haystack, some stables and a tower. However, one fine day, the owner family decided to transform it into a palace. These were the lords of Butrón, owners of the building and to whom it owes its name.

Its transformation into a beautiful neo-medieval building made it a real gem. In the area it is said that the extension of the castle had a very simple reason: to be the object of envy of the neighboring towns. True or not, what is undeniable is that the castle looks like something out of a story.

3. Cedeira, a Galician paradise

Cliffs of Cedeira in Galicia, one of the most beautiful places in Spain
Cedeira – peizais

If the traveler is looking for a place to enjoy beautiful and striking sensations, he should go to Cedeira. This beautiful municipality in Galicia is one of the most incredible on the entire Galician coast. Its grandiose and spectacular cliffs stand out, the highest in continental Europe. 

And next to them, the blue color of the water of the wide ocean and its beautiful beaches do not leave anyone indifferent. Before planning the visit, you have to consider that access to some of its coves is difficult. But it is worth it, since the view is absolutely wonderful and little treasures are discovered such as Burbujas beach, known for the bubbles that form in the sand.

4. The Caldera de Taburiente, a unique Canarian space

Caldera de Taburiente in La Palma, one of the most beautiful places in Spain
Caldera de Taburiente – Karol Kozlowski

The Caldera de Taburiente is located on the spectacular and beautiful island of La Palma. It is an incredible circus of 8 kilometers in diameter that occupies the entire central part of the island. A breathtaking landscape shaped by the force of volcanic eruptions and water erosion over millions of years.

From any of its viewpoints, what is offered before the view takes your breath away : immense cliffs surrounded by peaks that reach two thousand meters. And, among them, a vegetation that is sometimes as dense as it is unique, formed in part by endemisms of the area.

The Roque de los Muchachos is its highest point. Ideal to contemplate the sky, as evidenced by the presence of a renowned astronomical observatory. You can also go up to Pico de la Cruz, or do countless hiking routes through the interior of the caldera to admire all its beauty and immensity. Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful places in Spain.

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