Enjoy The Most Delicious Caribbean Dishes

Natural products and a lot of love in what is done. Caribbean cuisine is exquisite. We are going to try some typical dishes.
Enjoy the most delicious Caribbean dishes

The Caribbean is not only known for the happiness and kindness of its people, but also for its delicious cuisine. Today we want to get you a little closer to it and we show you the most delicious Caribbean dishes. Are you coming to eat with us?

Caribbean dishes with a special flavor

It must be admitted, although in the country where we live we can find the necessary products for these recipes, the taste is different.  Perhaps it is because of the love that the people of the Caribbean put in the kitchen, or because of the magic of the smell of the sea.

One of the reasons for these delicious dishes, full of flavor and color, are the indigenous races that lived in the Caribbean area, who bet on natural ingredients without any additives. We already started our gastronomic tour of the richest Caribbean dishes:

1. Sancocho

Sancocho, one of the dishes that you cannot miss in Colombia
Sancocho – James / Flickr.com

It is a meat and vegetable soup, accompanied by various types of tubers and corn. It is a very typical dish on the coasts of Venezuela and Colombia, although it is common to see it in other Latin countries, whether or not they are bathed by the Caribbean.

It is also possible to make it with fish, or just one type of meat, but either variety is just as delicious. If they ever offer it to you, feel free to give it a try.

2. Ceviche

eat ceviche in Madrid
Ceviche – James / Flickr.com

This dish is typical of Peruvian gastronomy, although due to its flavor and the freshness of its ingredients it has been transferred to other countries, of course, in the Caribbean area.

It is made with raw fish cut into strips or very small cubes and is served with different onions, coriander, lemon juice and toasted banana. The flavor is acidic and intense, worthy of the most demanding palates.

3. Empanadas

Of meat, chicken, tuna, pineapple and cheese or whatever you can think of, you can find Caribbean empanadas. They are made with a soft corn dough, which is stuffed and later fried.

The funny thing is that the original recipe was cooked in the oven, but nowadays passing them through the pan with oil or butter is common.

4. Roast

The Argentine barbecue is known throughout the world. It is not an elaborate dish at all, as it is grilled or grilled meat. In its Caribbean version it is accompanied by salad or potatoes and in Cuba it is made, instead of meat, with fish.

5. Tamales

Tamals from Colombia
Tamales – Veronica / Flickr.com

If there is a typical Latin dish, that is the tamale. It is a corn dough, which can be new or old corn, with a beef or chicken stew on it, and all wrapped in a banana leaf.

This dish is made in different ways, depending on the country in which it is made, for example, in Mexico it is also wrapped in corn husks. But any variety is delicious.

6. Rice with coconut

Coconut rice, one of the Caribbean dishes
Coconut rice – yrpopqueen / Flickr.com

What is the first thing you think of when you listen to Caribe? Certainly heavenly beaches and palm trees with coconuts everywhere. Well, the Caribbean know very well how to take advantage of this product, and they have turned coconut rice into one of their most delicious dishes.

They use it as an accompaniment to meats and beans, and it consists of boiling the rice with the coconut water and even grating or crushing pieces of it that will go into the mixture. The taste is spectacular. Don’t stop trying it!

7. Carimañolas

They are called in different ways depending on the country. They are cassava balls stuffed with minced meat and then fried. They are usually eaten with a spicy mojo and it does not matter what time of day you want to consume them. Any time is good for a Carimañola!

8. Cuban hash

Cuban Picadillo
Picadillo – Rinaldo Wurglitsch / Flickr.com

If there is an island that claims to be bathed by the Caribbean, that is Cuba. Its gastronomy reflects the joy and good work of its people. The Cuban picadillo has become one of the most famous dishes.

It is as simple as minced meat, rice and potatoes, but its flavor is so peculiar that Colombia, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic have adopted it as their dish.

Do you already know which Caribbean cuisine dishes you want to try? The most delicious Caribbean dishes are on this list, good appetite!

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