How To Prepare A Mountain Getaway

The mountain is perfect to relax, to do some exercise and to breathe fresh air. But it is advisable to be well prepared to avoid scares or problems.
How to prepare a mountain getaway

A getaway to the mountains, even if it is very short in duration, may be the best anti-stress cure one can imagine. And therefore it can be a really satisfying journey. Not only for the mental benefit and disconnection from the routines that it causes. A good walk also has a physical benefit, without forgetting the contemplation of places so different from our day to day life.

Basic concept for a mountain getaway

Mountaineer watching the landscape

When we talk about a mountain getaway, we are not referring to the ascent of great peaks, such as Mont Blanc in the Alps or Aneto in the Pyrenees. Nor are we talking about routes of enormous length and hardness, such as crossing the Colorado Canyon or a trek through Kathmandu.

We also talk about much shorter and less risky excursions. But when it comes to going out into the mountains, you always have to have a basic concept: caution.

This is the most important thing when preparing our getaway. Why? Because the mountain is still a place where nature reigns, with a meteorology that can be changeable and where we do not have all the help resources that there may be in a city. So caution.

And in that sense there are many of the following tips  that must be taken into account before going to the mountain:

Check the weather

Backpackers without barriers when traveling

Thanks to different websites, the media and various applications, today it is possible to know the meteorological development of the next few hours quite accurately.

So if you are going to go outdoors, check it out, because that will make you better equipped, and even discard an excursion if the forecasts are very bad. Bad weather in the mountains can pose a serious, extremely serious danger.

Where to sleep?

Camping in the mountains

Another important issue when going out to the mountains is to be clear about where you are going to spend the night. There may be many options. From wild camping to a refuge, passing through a charming remote hotel or a campsite. In any of these cases, you have to reserve and always carry what you need: jacket, tent, etc.

And if you opt for free camping, you have to take into account the regulations  regarding dangerous places, such as the vicinity of a river. Or if it is prohibited, for example, in certain specially protected natural areas.

Go everywhere with the map

Map and mobile

Our mobile phones have become our GPS, maps, and compasses. That is magnificent and it never hurts to carry our georeferenced route on your mobile so as not to get lost or facilitate our search in the event of an accident.

But also, it is always good to carry that printed route. You never know if we will run out of battery or coverage, lose our mobile or get wet. In short, a paper does not increase the weight of our backpack, and it can be a very important resource.

Wear good shoes

Woman on a mountain getaway

If we are going to do a hiking route, a short excursion or a longer trekking journey , we will only have one means of locomotion: our feet. For that reason it is important to wear good shoes.

Not only with the right boots for the mountain, but that are suitable for our feet, since a small blister can become a real torture during a few hours of walking.

Prepare the backpack

In the best image of a mountaineer, a backpack always appears. It is an essential element, and in it there are things that will never, never be missing. For example: a raincoat, something warm, water, snacks , a hat and sunscreen.

To enjoy

Man on a mountain getaway

After so much advice, all of them essential, we can only wish you to enjoy your getaway to the mountains. Anyone who has tried it knows that it is addictive. Every time you want to do more excursions, and as you get in better physical shape, you look for new challenges, without having to become an intrepid mountaineer.

Anyway, to enjoy, with caution. And one last tip: don’t forget your camera. Do not take only the mobile phone, take a camera, even if it is small. You will see images worthy of immortalization in the best conditions.

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