Life Lessons You Learn Living Abroad

Life Lessons You Learn Living Abroad

Leaving the place where you were born and raised, making the decision to separate from your family and closest friends is not easy. However, there are many learnings and life lessons that we obtain from this experience and that make us grow and mature as human beings.

What you learn living abroad

1. Mature

Leaving your comfort zone and facing life’s challenges will make you grow and mature. You will no longer be the spoiled child, now you will have to take care of yourself, you will understand your parents and you will appreciate everything they did for you.

2. Learn a new language

This point obviously depends on the place you decide to emigrate to, but if you do it to a country where they speak a language other than yours, you will gain the most powerful of tools to develop your maximum potential on a personal and professional level.

3. Know new places

Traveling is the most fun way we can learn about other cultures. You will realize that, although your country is one of the most beautiful and wonderful places, others also have extraordinary places that will make you fall in love from the first moment.

Hiker in Nepal
Hiker in Nepal- Olga Danylenko

4. More freedom

The move, new friends, new job, new country, new challenges, many satisfactions and more freedom. You have never been so master of yourself and as free as you are now.

It is not about being able to get home at the time you want, but about feeling that if you have been able to face so many obstacles and succeed, nothing and no one can stop you. All limits you erased from your head and never before have you felt so free and full with your life.

5. You value what you left

Probably before you did not give much importance to the small details of your life:  having a family that cares about you, the comforts, the friends, the squares of your city or that beach where you spent unforgettable moments.

When you move abroad you begin to appreciate even the smallest details, you realize how deeply fortunate you are and the immense love you feel for your loved ones, friends and country. You feel proud of where you come from and take every opportunity to return with those you love and value so much every reunion.

6. You become a saver

You have had to study and work very hard, suddenly you realize that you do not have the financial support of your parents and you have to carve a path for yourself.

When you emigrate you realize that life away from your home is not easy at all, it has cost you a lot what you have achieved and you definitely do not want to waste it. Although you like to enjoy life, you are much more careful with your expenses and you plan them very well to avoid meaningless debt.

7. You change

We all know that traveling changes people, knowing new cultures makes you grow as a human being. But if you move to another country that change will be much more profound than you can imagine.

Halong Bay in Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam – Jimmy Tran

Your perspectives change, you mature and you value your family much more. Your fears and roots will be deeply shaken, you will probably make decisions and do things that you did not think yourself capable of before.

8. Without attachment to material things

Before you thought you couldn’t live without your favorite shirt or without that childhood toy that was so special, but when you had to pack your life into two suitcases to move to another country, you began to understand that the most precious thing is your memories and family.

From the moment you move abroad you stop establishing so much attachment to material things, you realize that what is truly important are your wants and that the material is replaceable.

9. The most difficult decision, but also the best one

There is no going back, you gave up most of your comforts, you are the owner of your home with all the good and bad that this implies.

Despite the nostalgia that attacks you from time to time, you feel phenomenal in your new life, you have become a citizen of the world and you think that such a great and wonderful place must continue to be discovered.

Leaving your country, your family and your friends is one of the most difficult decisions a person can make. However, it is also the opportunity to know and enjoy, grow and discover that there are no limits to achieve what you set out to do. There are many life lessons that you learn in this new adventure that is living abroad.

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