Meet Some Of The Most Famous Murals In The World

From Berlin to Sydney, all the great cities of the world have pictorial murals worthy of being known and that are a sign of modernity.
See some of the most famous murals in the world

The large murals painted in the cities have become authentic works of art. It is an urban art not devoid of controversy and conflictive origins. However, today it is fully accepted and can almost be considered a sign of modernity that the main cities of the world cannot give up.

There are many large cities throughout the planet that have interesting samples of street art. There are murals of all kinds, but, in our opinion, some of the most attractive are those that we are going to talk to you about next.

1. Famous murals: Berlin’s East Side Gallery

Kiss Mural at the East Side Gallery
East Side Gallery

We are going to start with one of the most relevant sets of wall paintings of the last decades. We refer to the East Side Gallery in Berlin. Here the works are carried out on the remains of the old wall that separated East Berlin from the capitalist zone.

These murals have become an icon of reunified Germany. To paint them, artists from various origins were summoned, and each one captured their own vision of the fall of the Wall, back in 1989. For this reason, we see emblematic scenes, such as the kiss between the communist leaders or the mythical Travant cars crashing Against the wall.

2. The Belfast Murals

Murals in Belfast
Mural in Belfast

Now we go to other murals that also have a lot to do with the more recent history of the city that hosts them. They are the murals of Belfast, of which there are more than two thousand in the capital of Northern Ireland.

They are murals that the vast majority were not made by renowned artists, but that capture the decades of confrontation that existed between the Catholic and Protestant populations. Fortunately, today it is possible to visit the neighborhoods of both religions and see how that conflict was portrayed.

3. Murals by Fintan Magee in Sydney

Fintan Magee Mural
Fintan Magee Mural – JAM Project /

The coolest neighborhood in Sydney, Australia, is Nextown. There, street murals abound on many of the facades. And it must be said that the vast majority are of a not inconsiderable pictorial quality. However, we are going to stick with one author in particular, Fintan Magee, who hails from this fun and beautiful Australian city.

Today, he is a reputed author who has worked all over the world. However, in his hometown of Newtown surely are his great jobs. This is the case of his famous Falling Sky or the Housing Bubble , which is still a criticism of the real estate bubble that his city lives.

4. Giant vignettes in Brussels

Murals in Brussels
Brussels Comic Route

In Belgium the comic is considered the ninth art. Comic artists are true cultural references and many of them can be seen at the Brussels Comic Museum.

We can all cite some of the most famous characters in these peculiar drawings, such as Tintin or the Smurfs. But there are many more and we can discover them by doing the Comic Strip Route through Brussels. This will take us through dozens of murals painted in the center and in the neighborhoods of the Belgian capital.

5. Bansky’s Balloon Girl

Bansky Mural
‘Girl with a balloon’ by Bansky- Dominic Robinson / Wikimedia Comons

Now we want to talk about the most enigmatic artist of today, Bansky. Nobody puts a face on him, but everyone knows his street works. He is a creator halfway through graffiti and murals, who has not wanted to renounce his anonymity or secrecy. This allows you to carry out denouncing works in the most unsuspected places in the world.

At the same time, his works go up for auction at Sotheby’s and there are many publications about him. Not forgetting that the mural Girl with the balloon , painted on a wall in London, has become the work of art most appreciated by the population of the British capital, ahead of all the great treasures of the National Gallery.

6. Mexican muralism

Diego Rivera Mural
Diego Rivera Mural – Wikimedia Commons

And if we talk about the most famous murals in the world, we must mention the great works of Mexican muralism and, specifically, the creations of the painter Diego Rivera. The one who was Frida Kahlo’s partner bequeathed fantastic murals to CDMX, such as the one that represents the history of Mexico.

It is a painting in which centuries of historical events are reflected. In it dozens of relevant characters appear from pre-Columbian times to the date of its completion, between 1929 and 1935.

It is a wonderful work in its details. And it also shows us the enormous variety of inspirations, styles and intentions that have had some of the best murals that have been painted in the world during the last decades.

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