Practical Tips For Traveling By Train In Europe

A train trip through Europe can be an unforgettable experience. To enjoy the adventure you just have to follow some recommendations, choose the date and pack your suitcase.
Practical tips for traveling by train in Europe

Traveling by train in Europe, at times, can bring us closer to the way of traveling of yesteryear, when travel was a very important part of the journey itself. Today we move faster, with all the comforts, but few things are more appreciated by the traveler than contemplating landscapes and towns through the train window.

The romance of traveling by train in Europe

Glacier Express train in Switzerland
Glacier Express in Switzerland

Traveling should never be done in a rush, and it should always be a pleasure. And that is what traveling by train in Europe invites us to do. In this means of transport, we can reach large cities as well as remote towns.

We can travel on trains of different categories and speeds. Make long trips or other shorter ones. We can meet other travelers during the journeys and we can feel like the travelers of yesteryear. That is the romanticism of the European railways.

So, although we are going to give you a few more practical tips for traveling by train in Europe, perhaps the most important of all is that you take the trip as something enriching.

Nothing like a few hours or days to enjoy them inside a wagon, in the corridors of the train, in front of the window or in the on-board cafeteria. Traveling by train in Europe can be an unforgettable experience, and not simply a transfer time between one place and another.

The Interrail ticket

Train Oslo-Bergen
Train Oslo-Bergen

If your goal is to travel by train in Europe for a certain time, improvising different destinations, then what you need is an Interrail ticket. A ticket that has different categories, but that can allow you to get on almost all the trains on the continent for a cheap and fixed price.

It is the global ticket, or at least that is how it came into existence a few decades ago. And today it continues to maintain that possibility of getting on trains from all European countries, up to 30, at the same price. Although there are still cheaper formulas for a specific area of ​​several countries through which you want to travel.

Likewise, it can be contracted with different durations. And it increasingly includes more advantages for its users, since different discounts can be obtained in some tourist activities, when it comes to staying or choosing a restaurant.

There are more advantages, because you can even get discounts to travel by train in Europe on board its most legendary railways. The quintessential trip. And of course there are also discounts for young and old.

Keys to choosing your Interrail ticket

Train in Luxembourg
Train in Luxembourg

Answer these questions. What countries of the continent do you want to discover? How long will your trip last? Well, whatever the answer, you will always have a specific Interrail ticket that suits your needs.

And if you also calculate how many days of your vacation you are going to take the train, you can still adjust your ticket further. In this way,  you can travel the continent for much less than you think.

As we pointed out, there are tickets to travel a certain number of days in a row or within a month, which you can visit several countries or just one … The combinations are almost as many as your desire to travel.

Prepare your train trip in Europe

France station in Barcelona
France station in Barcelona

In other words, you should prepare a little for your train trip in Europe to get the right ticket for you and save some money. This preparation involves reading websites like ours, in which we tell you everything that awaits you at destinations.

But in addition to consulting, we also advise you to put a book in your backpack (or carry several in an ebook ) since going long hours by train is also synonymous with reading. This way you will travel physically and mentally, one of the great merits of the railway.

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