Some Curiosities Of The Aqueduct Of Segovia

It has been standing for two thousand years, and that despite the fact that there is no mortar that binds the stones that give it shape. The Segovia aqueduct is a unique engineering work in the world.
Some curiosities of the aqueduct of Segovia

The aqueduct of Segovia has undoubtedly become an emblem of the city. This masterful and colossal work stands out before any other type of attraction that may be in the area. Would you like to know some of its curiosities? Well, we will tell you!

What you don’t know about the aqueduct of Segovia

Its structure

Normally the monuments that have been standing for several centuries undergo different remodeling, but the aqueduct of Segovia remains with its structure intact.

But the really funny thing is that it is built without any type of mortar. This means that its structure is made stone on stone, with nothing that unites them, more than their weight. Something that makes the fact that it still stands after so long even more surprising.

When it was built

Double arches of the aqueduct of Segovia
Double arches of the aqueduct

This seems to be an enigma yet. Until now it was believed that it was a work raised in the 1st century. However, studies carried out in recent years have determined that it could be something later and that it would have been built in the second century, in the era of Trajan.

The credit for this spectacular work cannot be attributed to anyone in particular, but what is certain is that there is nothing like it in the world. Many architects and architecture and engineering students visit it to discover how it was built.

Its size

Those who have never seen the aqueduct may have a preconceived idea that it is just a structure that crosses a road or a river. Nothing could be further from reality, since the aqueduct of Segovia is nothing more and nothing less than 16, 1 kilometers in length.

More curious facts: it has 120 pillars that support 167 arches  (44 of them double arches) and at its highest point it exceeds 28 meters. No matter where you look at it, this is a majestic work. It begins in the Sierra de Guadarrama, crosses the city and ends near the Alcázar.

Its objective

Arch of the Roman aqueduct of Segovia
Detail of the pillars of the aqueduct

Everything is built by someone, but also by something. The Segovia aqueduct  was built with the ambitious goal of supplying water to some 20,000 people. The most curious thing is that at that time Segovia was nothing more than a fortification with a hundred inhabitants. What did its builder want? Who knows…

The Aqueduct and its legend

A legend surrounds what is one of the most important monuments in Castilla y León. It has to do with a girl who was in charge of bringing water from the river to the city, but one day she decided to make a pact with the devil.

She thought that since her job was so tiring, perhaps the devil could help her do it more easily. So he told her that if he could get the water to reach her place during the night without her lifting a finger, he would give her his soul.

However, it is said that the devil did not have time to keep his word, which he tried by moving some stones from the Aqueduct. He failed to finish the job and the girl saved his soul.

It is part of the city

Aqueduct of Segovia
View of the aqueduct

Due to its great magnitude, it crosses a large part of the city, crosses streets and many people use it as a meeting point. It is perfectly integrated into urban life and the architecture of the city harmonizes with its charm.

It was almost destroyed

In the 11th century it suffered a strong attack by Muslims led by Al-Mamún de Toledo. 36 of its bows were damaged. Centuries later, and with a remodeling that was carried out following the principles of ‘no mortar’ and balance, it could be restored to its original state.

You see that each monument has its history, its legends and curiosities. What do you think of all those that surround the aqueduct of Segovia? If you haven’t seen it up close yet, it may be time to plan a trip.

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