Spanish Forests In Images: Beauty In Its Purest Form

In Spain there are beautiful and magical forests of great value. We want to walk through some of the most unique.
Spanish forests in pictures: beauty in its purest form

In Spain there are wonderful corners that invite you to stroll quietly, to relax listening to the sounds of nature, to enjoy a calm that sometimes seems unattainable. If you need to escape from the routine, the rush and the stress, look at these images of Spanish forests. Don’t you want to get lost in them?

1. The Irati jungle, Navarra: one of the most beautiful Spanish forests

Spanish forests: Irati jungle
Irati Forest – Balaguer Tone

Beautiful at any time, autumn is, however, special in the Irati Forest. The green of the moss on the trunks intermingles with the yellow and red of the falling leaves. Quite a spectacle that hypnotizes the lucky person who can contemplate it. Pure magic in one of the largest beech forests in Europe.

2. Fragas do Eume, A Coruña

Fragas do Eume
Fragas do Eume – luscofusco

Galicia is a land of meigas and legends and in this beautiful place you can almost feel them. It is one of the best preserved Atlantic forests on the continent. Here dense vegetation awaits you, composed of oaks, poplars, ash trees or ferns, among others. And among the trees, streams and waterfalls that give it an almost dreamlike hue.

3. Garajonay, La Gomera

Garajonay Forest in La Gomera
Garajonay – RossHelen

One of the most unique Spanish forests awaits us in La Gomera. A laurel forest, a species from the Tertiary Era. This ancient jungle will captivate you with its beauty and its mystery. Nothing like letting yourself be enveloped by the mists and walking aimlessly along its paths. You will feel that, truly, time has stopped.

4. Los Tilos, La Palma

Los Tilos Forest in La Palma
Bosque de los Tilos – A. Overeem

We are not going far, in La Palma another magical laurel forest awaits us. But here your steps will be accompanied by the sound of the water until you reach the Marcos and Cordero springs, of spectacular beauty. And along the way, several tunnels dug into the rock so that you feel like a true adventurer.

5. Oma Forest, Vizcaya

Oma Forest
Oma Forest – Noradoa

A magical forest thanks to the imagination and the hand of the painter and sculptor Agustín Ibarrola, who turned the trunks of fifty trees into canvases, creating an almost fantasy setting. Seemingly unconnected shapes and colors that invite the visitor to create their own story from what they see.

6. Monte Cabezón, Cantabria

Mount Cabezón in Cantabria
Monte Cabezón – Lentil

In Spain there are also redwoods, those trees that can grow tens of meters and live for hundreds of years. The more than 800 specimens of this mountain were planted in the 1940s and today they reach 36 meters in height. You will never feel so small as in this place, declared a natural monument.

7. Muniellos Forest, Asturias

Muniellos Forest in Astruias
Muniellos Forest – StockPhotoAstur

One of the most valuable Spanish forests, so much so that access is restricted. It is the largest oak grove in Spain and one of the largest in Europe. A practically virgin forest with hundred-year-old trees that in some sections barely allow light to pass through. Perfect home for those fairies and elves from Asturian legends.

8. Castañar from El Tiemblo, Ávila

Spanish forests: chestnut grove of El Tiemblo
Castañar from El Tiemblo – LucVi

When the autumnal cold begins to arrive, this place is one of the most beautiful you can imagine. Yellow covers the treetops, which are stripped while the ground is weaving a unique carpet of leaves and fruits fallen from the branches.

9. Hayedo de Montejo, Madrid

Hayedo de Montejo in Madrid
Hayedo de Montejo – Alberto Gonzalez Limon /

The north of the Community of Madrid preserves one of the southernmost beech forests in Europe. A space where nature surprises and is also protected due to its fragility. In it you will find magnificent trees up to 20 meters high.  And others with their own name, such as the Rock, which is no less than 250 years old.

10. Fageda d’en Jordà, Girona

Fageda d'en Jordà in Girona
Fageda d’en Jordà – Santi Rodriguez

And we finish our tour through Spanish forests in an area of ​​extinct volcanoes and unique landscapes. In La Garrotxa you  will find this beautiful beech forest, on a volcanic stream. It is so beautiful that even the poet Joan Maragall dedicated a poem to it. A perfect place for a family walk.

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