The Most Famous Works Of Andrés De Vandelvira

Architect, humanist, stonemason and architect of some of the best buildings that we can find in the province of Jaén. Do you want to know the main works of Andrés de Vandelvira?
The most famous works of Andrés de Vandelvira

Andrés de Vandelvira is one of the most important architects of the Renaissance in Spain. A great connoisseur of treatises and the art of stonework, he knew how to take his art to extremes that today would be difficult to achieve.

Chiseled from the life of Andrés de Vandelvira

Andrés de Vandelvira was born in Alcaraz (Albacete) in 1509. He was the son of Pedro de Vandelvira, also a stonemason and from whom Andrés would learn in his early years of training. Thanks to his father and his taste for learning through the best architecture and stonework treatises of his time, Andrés would become one of the most sought-after architects of his time.

Married to Luisa de Luna, he had seven children of which Alonso de Vandelvira stood out, who to dignify his father’s work wrote the Book of stone cuts. Andrés was the inventor of the vaulted vault and he handled the different cuts of the stone to perfection, which led him to reach technical solutions in his buildings never seen before.

Main works of Andrés de Vandelvira

Plaza Mayor of ALcaraz, by Andrés de Vandelvira
Plaza Mayor de Alcaraz – Pru00 / Wikimedia Commons

Andrés de Vandelvira developed his art mainly in Jaén, where the Cobos family would be his great patron. But he would also carry out works outside this province in Alcaraz, his hometown, where he would project the Plaza Mayor and the buildings that surround it.

But the bulk of his works are in the Andalusian province. There include interventions in Jaén capital in Ubeda, Baeza, Cazorla and Villacarrillo.

The cathedral of Jaén

Jaén Cathedral
Jaén Cathedral

Started by his father, Pedro de Vandelvira, Andrés continued the works following his father’s instructions. But in the sacristy and in the chapter house he let his imagination run wild and showed why he was one of the most sought-after architects of his time. Both are considered the great masterpieces of this architect. And they can be visited from Monday to Sunday.

Its architecture in Villacarrillo

This is a town with which it seems that he had an emotional bond, as it is believed that his wife was from there. Therefore, here you will project and build the

The Chapel of El Salvador in Úbeda

Chapel of the Savior of Úbeda, one of the works of Andrés de Vandelvira
Chapel of the Savior of Úbeda

He built it by order of Francisco de los Cobos, secretary of Emperor Carlos V, to be his funeral chapel and as a continuation of his palace in this city of Jaén. Started by Diego Siloé in 1540, it will be Vandelvira who will take charge of the work. Its sacristy, complete design by Vandelvira, stands out. The visit can be made every day of the year at different times.

Works in Baeza

Baeza Cathedral, the work of Andrés de Vandelvira

In Baeza we also find numerous works by Vandelvira. Among them, his interventions in the cathedral stand out. Located on the aljama mosque of the town, it will be from the patronage of Bishop Francisco Delgado López when it acquires greater importance. He entrusts Vandelvira with the reconstruction and reformulation of the temple, which was very deteriorated towards the middle of the 16th century.

In Baeza he will also carry out the design and works of the Benavides chapel that was located in the church of the San Francisco convent, now in ruins.

Andrés de Vandelvira in Cazorla

Much in the style of the previous works is the church of Santa María de Cazorla, which was never completed. And this, due in part to the monumentality of the works that must have been done prior to the construction of this church.

Built by order of Don Francisco de los Cobos on the Cerezuelo river, Vandelvira had to devise a solution to vaulted the river as it passed through Cazorla and thus create a platform on which to place this church. Said vault and church can be visited today from Tuesday to Sunday.

A walk through the vault of the Cerezuelo de Cazorla river

Cover photo: Kordas / Wikimedia Commons

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