The Safest City In The World Is Tokyo!

Tokyo is at the top of the list of safest cities in the world. It is followed by Singapore, Osaka and Toronto. The least safe is Karachi, in Pakistan.
The safest city in the world is Tokyo!

Tokyo is the safest city in the world, according to The Economist.  To carry out its report, the publication has measured digital, health and personal security, as well as the quality of the infrastructures of different cities on the planet. If you want to know more about this study, especially about the winner, keep reading. Without a doubt, it will not leave you indifferent.

Why is Tokyo the safest city in the world?

Streets of Tokyo, the safest city in the world
Tokyo streets

The Japanese capital can boast of being the first safest city in the world since 2015. This is due, among other things, to its low crime rate. In fact, there have been no terrorist attacks here, for example, as has occurred in many other cities.

However, in terms of personal security, Tokyo drops to fourth place. Nor should we forget that it is one of the areas most exposed to major earthquakes as a result of its location. However, in recent years it has developed infrastructures and action plans that are a model to follow.

Sightseeing in Tokyo

Meiji Shrine in Tokyo
Meiji Shrine

Now that we know that it is the safest city, it is time to know its attractions. Part of its charm lies in the contrast between busy modern neighborhoods and the centuries-old temples they house, such as Meiji in Shibuya. In this neighborhood you can visit the Hachiko statue or go shopping in its malls.

Other tourist possibilities in Tokyo are trying the delicious sushi in an establishment in the Tsukiji market or entering the interior of the Sensoji Temple, the oldest Buddhist temple in the city. And you have to climb to the top of the Tokyo Sky Tree to enjoy fantastic views.

Another option is to visit its museums. The Tokyo National Museum stands out, the largest and oldest in all of Japan. At the Edo-Tokyo Museum you can learn about the history of the city from the late 16th century to the Industrial Revolution. And in the Museum of Science and Innovation you can experience the latest scientific news.

Other safe cities in the world

View of Singapore, one of the safest cities
View of singapore

Tokyo is followed safely by cities like Singapore, where modernity and tradition also coexist. Then we find Osaka, also in Japan; or Toronto, with an intense nightlife and culture.

Melbourne is considered by The Economist  the best city to live. And many more cities appear on the list, including Amsterdam, Sydney, Stockholm, Hong Kong and Zurich, a trendy European destination.

To find the first Spanish city we must descend to number twelve on the list.  In that place we find the capital, Madrid. After her goes Barcelona, ​​the most dynamic, urban and cosmopolitan in the country and where one of the most visited monuments in the world is located: the Sagrada Familia.

And what are the most unsafe cities?

View of Karachi, the least safe city
View of Karachi

Tokyo is the safest city. Well, now we are going to know the ones that stand out for the opposite. This is especially so for terrorist and personal attacks or for traffic accidents. The first place is occupied by another Asian city: Karachi.  It is the most populous city in Pakistan and one of the fastest growing on the planet.

They are followed by Rangoon, Dhaka, Jakarta and Ho Chi Minh. The top ten of the most insecure cities are completed by Manila, Caracas, Quito, Tehran and Cairo.

Paradoxically, some of these cities, like the capital of Egypt, are visited every year by thousands of tourists. They prioritize the tourist possibilities that they offer to the security that they can provide. Of course, taking all the necessary and pertinent precautions and applying common sense.

We must be cautious if we decide to visit any of the cities that we have named in this section. But do not be careless in those that are considered safe cities, since in them we can be equally exposed to other risks (robberies, scams …) or be victims of pickpockets.

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