Tips To Control Fear Of Flying

The plane is the safest means of transport. However, some people are afraid of flying because of the initial sensation of takeoff, because of the restlessness caused by turbulence or because they do not have enough information.
Tips to control the fear of flying

If you are one of those who panic at the very idea of ​​having to get on a plane, you can overcome it. You need to face this fear and practice some relaxation techniques before traveling. To do this, we will give you some tips to control the fear of flying.

Many people suffer from aerophobia, which is the fear of flying. But it is proven that with will and determination, this limitation can be overcome. Think about the opportunities you can lose just by not daring to get on a plane. You are not fair to yourself if you let that happen.

To lose the fear of flying, you have to fly. However, there are supportive methods that work for quitting anxiety. The first is to become aware that you are going to achieve it and that to achieve it you will make the necessary effort.

Why the fear of flying

Interior of an airplane

We are afraid of the unknown, and thinking that we are flying high creates a feeling of emptiness and vertigo. It is strange to realize that you are suspended in the air. It’s weird because we’re always down to earth. Thus, just thinking about it leads to nervousness and perhaps an overwhelming desire to escape.

Tragic thoughts appear, like a technical failure will bring down the plane. Studies show that the probability is very low. Statistically, it is the same as what you would have when you were in a storm and were struck by lightning.

Normal things that seem strange when flying

If you feel scared, it is probably because you are not used to flying, nor do you know the mechanics of the plane. When it takes off, it needs strength and speed. It is then the engines emit sounds that seem roaring.

At the same time, your body has a resistance due to gravity, that is, a tendency to remain in the initial state of balance or stillness. That is why taking off creates a physical sensation that is a bit uncomfortable.

For its part, turbulence is nothing more than air currents that shake the plane. But don’t worry, you will only see clouds. It is the same as driving on a highway through rocky terrain. It is also normal for the airplane wings to sound loud. And if one of the plane’s engines fails, it can sustain itself with the others.

For your peace of mind, before traveling the pilots receive information about the turbulence. And when they fly, they have weather radars that monitor them. This allows them to take preventive measures and have everything under control.

Fly without fear in safe transport

Airplane taking off

The aircraft undergo rigorous technical checks. After each flight they go through a maintenance check. And the crew is a team of highly qualified professionals. They would be the first to fear flying if they did not have all the security measures in place.

Airlines offer highly useful courses to provide aeronautical guidance. These help to clear all the technical and operational doubts to control the fear of flying. You will learn that airplanes are the safest means of transport of all those that exist.

Plan your flight well

You should think about the origin of your fear and check if it is due to a myth or imaginary fear. Either way, planning your trip will help you mentally program yourself to fly. It is important to organize everything and design a mind map. Writing everything down in time avoids further anxiety. Go over every last detail on a list.

You can read and search all the information about your trip. It is also advisable to visit the airport before. This helps you familiarize yourself with planes, flights, and landings. And it also serves to review the administrative process that you must follow with the airline.

Take a mental trip

Passenger on an airplane who knows how to control the fear of flying

Do a mental visualization exercise of the journey in which you imagine each step to take. The moment you start to fly mentally, think calmly that you will achieve a happy ending. You can help yourself with relaxation exercises and deep breathing.

It is not advisable to watch movies or read documents about air accidents. These are rare or fictional cases that do not help at all and can instead increase your anxiety.

Other recommendations to control the fear of flying

Book your flight in advance and choose the time of your preference. Try to take a direct flight. Also, choose a seat that is parallel to the wings of the plane, in the aisle or the emergency exit. And avoid the last seats in the queue, because in turbulence they have more movement.

Seeks to keep your mind busy. You can read, watch a movie, listen to music, or do work activities. Another option is to take a virtual class, activate games in your app or work on your computer. You could also have a good conversation with your companion.

Taking a nap during the flight is good for you. And avoid the consumption of liquors or tranquilizers. Instead, try to eat a treat or something you like to eat. If you consider that the fear of flying is extreme, seek professional support to overcome this limitation.

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