Visit The Magdalena Palace In Santander

Built as a summer residence for the royal family, today it is the university headquarters. A palace that stands on a beautiful peninsula.
Visit the Magdalena Palace in Santander

The Magdalena Palace in Santander is surely the most charismatic corner of the capital of Cantabria. A beautiful construction that stands on a peninsula of the same name and that is visible from the entire Santander seafront. Without a doubt, one of the great claims of this beautiful city in northern Spain.

La Magdalena de Santander, more than a palace

Aerial view of the Magdalena Palace
Magdalena Palace

From afar you can see the construction of the Magdalena de Santander Palace itself. But it is more than that. The building is surrounded by a forest of almost 25 hectares.

A place that becomes one of the main places of relaxation for the neighbors. And it is also an essential visit for tourists. Here you can have a picnic and even enjoy a small marine zoo, ideal if you travel to Santander with children.

The entrance to the Magdalena de Santander peninsula

If you go by land to the Magdalena de Santander peninsula, you will have to go along Avenida de la Reina Victoria and Calle Juan de Borbón. From there you can see the passage to the park. An access that is closed at night and that is only pedestrianized.

However, another option is to arrive by sea, and even walking along the beaches of the bay. One is the Magdalena beach itself and another is the Bikini beach.

The Magdalena Palace, a royal palace

Magdalena Palace
Magdalena Palace

At the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to its climate and its beaches, the Cantabrian capital became one of the favorite destinations of the Spanish royal family. That is why the local authorities decided to build them a majestic residence. That was the origin of the Palacio de la Magdalena, built between 1908 and 1912.

And they always occupied this constructive marvel, which presents an aspect closely linked to the palaces of England. Something that has an explanation in the fact that Victoria Eugenia was of British origin and thus appeased the possible nostalgia for her native land.

The Menéndez Pelayo International University

Interior of the Magdalena Palace
Interior of the Magdalena Palace

After that period of splendor, the palace underwent several uses, including that of a hospital. Although since 1941, it was owned by Juan de Borbón, the son of Alfonso XIII. And so it remained until 1977, when the city bought it.

In this way, later its reform would be undertaken. This allowed, among other things, that the Magdalena Palace is the spectacular headquarters of the Menéndez Pelayo International University.

But not only that. You can also visit the Magdalena Palace in Santander even if you are not a university student. Among other things, because a curious museum has been created inside it, where all the city’s links with the Spanish monarchy are discovered. Of course, you have to book in advance.

The buildings of La Magdalena

Royal stables in La Magdalena
Royal stables

The palace, with its two spectacular entrances, is undoubtedly the most striking construction of the whole. But not the only one. There is more to see nearby.

What were the royal stables are also discovered. These are in one of the most beautiful natural areas of the peninsula, and currently serve as a residence for the students of the Summer University.

And very close to the stables is the Paraninfo building, which was already conceived for that use since its construction in the 30s. For this reason, its style is different from previous works, undoubtedly more picturesque and British.

Visit the Magdalena de Santander

In short, if you make a trip to Santander, you cannot miss the walk through the Magdalena peninsula. A real pleasure and a privileged viewpoint over the beautiful bay of Santander.

And if that were not enough, you can prepare your visit, both individual and in groups and guided, inside a palace that has been part of the history of the city for just over 100 years. Quite a luxury, don’t you think?

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