We Visit The Medieval City Of Ujué In Navarra

We visit the medieval city of Ujué in Navarra

Ujué is a Navarrese municipality perhaps little known, but beautiful, a few kilometers from Pamplona. Located in the mountain range to which it gives its name, from it we can glimpse part of the Pyrenees and the Ribera de Navarra. We are going to walk through it, will you join us?

The profile of this small place reminds us of the legendary medieval cities. With its peculiar houses and crowned by imposing towers, Ujué is one of the tourist attractions of Navarra. So that you do not miss any details, we show you 5 places that you must visit in this beautiful town.

1. Church of Santa María de Ujué

Ujué Church
Ujué Church – Francisco Javier Diaz

This church could well be considered a fortress. Built during the 11th century and surrounded by a defensive wall, it constitutes a splendid example of Navarrese Gothic.

Inside, Gothic and Romanesque converge in a perfect mix. It houses important works of art, such as the image of the Virgin of Ujué, dated around 1190 and lined with silver in the XIV. In addition, it preserves the heart of King Carlos II el Malo, under whose reign the temple and a large part of the town were built.

Although the most characteristic of this building are its towers, today two are preserved: that of the Four Winds and that of the Picos. The church has a viewpoint directed to the south, from which there is a magnificent view of a good part of the Ribera de Navarra.

2. The Castillazo

View of Ujué in Navarra
Ujué – vicenfoto

To the north of the church, and within a very large area known as Castillazo, are the ruins of the University of Carlos II. There is a cistern in what could have been the parade ground and a site where the keep of the old castle stood.

The other lands of Castillazo, old disused eras, are an area of ​​archaeological interest,  the latest studies certify that under their lands there are remains of the old fortifications. 

3. The rectory

View of Ujué
Ujué – Carlos Octavio Uranga / Flickr.com

To the south of the church, the parsonage building is an impressive five-story tall construction. In the first two there are two arrow slits, medieval openings in which archers were placed. One of the most striking elements of the facade with the large balconies.

This is a 14th century building, which is why it is also known as the Palace of Carlos II. Named royal residence during the same century, like its neighbor, the Royal Palace of Olite.

4. The Cross of Salute

Ujué in Navarra
Ujué – VanderWolf Images

La Cruz del Saludo is at the crossroads where travelers first see the town. It is the intersection of the old roads of Beire, Olite, Murillo el Fruto and San Martín de Unx with which it leads to this beautiful town.

The place where this monument is erected is of undoubted landscape value. From the same Cross you can see a beautiful view of Ujué, with the imposing panoramic view of its sanctuary and crenellated towers. There are many legends around this cross, from miraculous cures to mysterious deaths for offending the image of the Virgin that adorns the top of the cross.

5. The houses of Ujué

Ujué street
Ujué Street – Marta Arias López / Flickr.com

Almost all the houses are built with masonry stone. Some facades are made of ashlar stone, in this way their owners wanted to highlight their wealth.

In the houses you can find different doors and windows, some typically Gothic. The oldest ones are from the 14th century, like the one in the parish house, which has a straight lintel. With a semicircular arch and from the 16th century is the one of the Casa de Iriarte.

-René Descartes  –

Ujué is one of those places that is worth visiting. Its medieval history, its imposing fortifications or the views that can be enjoyed from there are worth seeing. Prepare your bags and your desire for adventure to enjoy the medieval town of Ujué in Navarra.

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